Boy (Trans) Dad

@augustcomposure Sex assigned at birth, by definition, is only referring to genitals. If he was referring to gender, he would have said that. Also, context. He has familiarity with being a guy, what he doesn’t have familiarity with is having a penis.
@lookingforhope47 I'm a Cis dude with a son. I'll tell you, really we don't have much of a leg up in the early stages. Sure, we have the same equipment and an understanding of how it works, but that's maybe 1% of baby things. Things like, "boy babies get erections, it's normal" and "how to correctly wash an uncircumcised penis before the foreskin retracts" are not things we know just by being AMAB. Books/internet are every parents friend, regardless of gender.

Way down the line there may be more male specific things, but my bet is you will have a good relationship with the kid where you can find out answers you dont know together and hopefully some AMAB friends they know well that can help out. It's an old saying, but "it takes a village" is really a good way to look at it, I think.
@lookingforhope47 Hi hi! I'm a cis woman but I'm queer and I just want to say first things first, having a queer parent can really be valuable for a child! I think it teaches them to accept other and themselves because they see their parents having to struggle against societal norms to some extent in order to live their truth and it really builds an internal confidence for them: "I am who I AM, not who society tells me to be!"

I'm personally against circumcision but feel free to do your research and perhaps chat to trusted AMAB friends about their thoughts. Otherwise, I did all the potty training for my son and it was nbd. The real crux of potty training is learning how to recognize the urge to use the bathroom and then making it to the bathroom in time which is the same for boys and girls. You can start with having him sit down to pee, most people do that with little boys.

I'm not sure if you're familiar w/ Aydian Dowling (he's a trans activist and influencer) but he spoke about himself and his wife having this concern as well when they had their son. His Instagram handle is alionsfear if you want to check him out and see his thoughts!
@three4rd Love Aydian and appreciate the boost! I really wish there were more resources for transmasc folks who are dads.

I’m overall thrilled and really excited. Just a lot to learn and a lot of dysphoria to move through.
@lookingforhope47 Anything in particular you're nervous about? The only immediate things to consider are circumcision and changing plans if you're doing a gendered nursery decoration in the home.
@lookingforhope47 I'm a trans dad of 2 boys and a girl. Boys are 11, girl is 5. Wife is a cis woman.

Seahorse dad to one, the other 2 were adopted (bio son's half brother and sister from his trans woman mom)

Genitals don't really matter much at the baby stage.

We teach them all to sit to pee at home, standing okay in public.

Make sure your kid has all the colors and toys. Everything will work itself out.

The boys are in the midst of puberty. It was pretty textbook honestly. We've been talking about anatomy since they were toddlers, and we've been taking their questions about mating and things related to reproduction.

My wife was a surrogate when they were 5, and we sat them down and talked to them using real words (sperm, egg, ovary) and that the baby wasn't their sibling.

For the puberty questions I can't answer, they have a village of uncles and grandfathers.

Don't sweat it. You got this, dad.