ETA: none of what I say here is meant to reflect anything negative towards other csection mothers. This was just my experience and my feelings about it.
I gave birth January 14th at 2:19AM to a beautiful baby girl. I am so happy she is here safely, but I feel seriously traumatized by my birth experience and I still don't fully understand what happened. I'll try to keep this brief, so here's the timeline of my labor:
January 12th (39+0) 8pm: painless contractions start. I think it's just braxton hicks.
January 13th (39+1) 1am: contractions wake me up. They feel like painful period cramps.
3am: contractions are every 2-3 minutes and 30 seconds to 1 minute long. I call L&D and they tell me to head to hospital at a leisurely pace (recommended I shower, eat, etc. beforehand).
5am: Arrive at triage. Measured 4cm, 50% effaced, station 1. Triage offered to admit me or let me go home to labor longer. My husband and I decide to be admitted.
10am: Measured 6cm, 75% effaced, station 1. At this point the pain felt unrelenting, even between contractions. I could not find a good position to manage my pain due to the continuous monitoring and I was exhausted from lack of sleep, so I requested the epidural.
11am: epidural administered. I immediately go to sleep.
12:30pm: Measured 8cm, 75% effaced, station 1. At this point I am excited and hopeful to have baby by dinner.
4pm: Still measured the same. Doctor offered to break my water and start pitocin. I accepted both.
8pm: 10cm dilated, fully effaced, station 0. I was told I'd start pushing as soon as OB finished up with a c-section. I still don't feel an urge to push, so I don't mind waiting.
9:30pm: start pushing with guidance of nurse and OB. Epidural has worn off quite a bit so I can feel my contractions and time pushing with them. At some point I develop a low-grade fever so the OB gives me antibiotics out of concern for infection. OB steps out and has me continue pushing with nurses.
11pm: OB informs me that baby has not descended at all in last 1.5 hour of pushing. She casually mentions we might need to consider c-section due to failure to descend, my fever, and baby's heart rate was elevating with every push. I feel so overwhelmed and like a failure that I spiral into an emotional breakdown. I ask everyone to leave the room so I can speak to my husband. I ask him what to do. My husband is also an MD and has been coaching me through pushing the entire time, so I feel best putting this decision in his hands. He suggests I push a little longer with the aid of a nurse that I liked.
January 14th (39 + 2) 12am-ish: After another 30+ minutes of pushing, the nurse lets me know nothing has changed. Baby is still at station 0 and I should consider c-section. She tries to assure me that this is not my fault, but I just accept defeat and lay on the bed crying while my husband holds me.
From there they start prepping me for surgery and I won't go into too much detail about the actual c-section. I am still processing the whole thing. I had a panic attack during the procedure and was vomiting and uncontrollably shaking the entire time. I think it was the worst day of my life. I was in such a bad place mentally that I refused to see my daughter until we go to the recovery room. I still have a lot of guilt about that.
I just don't understand what happened. Did I not push hard enough? The OB and nurses try to assure me that it was not my fault, but I am struggling to accept that there was just no reason. The baby was in a good position and was only 7lbs 6 oz. I am already worried about my chances for VBAC and if there's something I did to cause this, then maybe I can work on it before the next pregnancy? If anyone has any insight, I appreciate it.
I gave birth January 14th at 2:19AM to a beautiful baby girl. I am so happy she is here safely, but I feel seriously traumatized by my birth experience and I still don't fully understand what happened. I'll try to keep this brief, so here's the timeline of my labor:
January 12th (39+0) 8pm: painless contractions start. I think it's just braxton hicks.
January 13th (39+1) 1am: contractions wake me up. They feel like painful period cramps.
3am: contractions are every 2-3 minutes and 30 seconds to 1 minute long. I call L&D and they tell me to head to hospital at a leisurely pace (recommended I shower, eat, etc. beforehand).
5am: Arrive at triage. Measured 4cm, 50% effaced, station 1. Triage offered to admit me or let me go home to labor longer. My husband and I decide to be admitted.
10am: Measured 6cm, 75% effaced, station 1. At this point the pain felt unrelenting, even between contractions. I could not find a good position to manage my pain due to the continuous monitoring and I was exhausted from lack of sleep, so I requested the epidural.
11am: epidural administered. I immediately go to sleep.
12:30pm: Measured 8cm, 75% effaced, station 1. At this point I am excited and hopeful to have baby by dinner.
4pm: Still measured the same. Doctor offered to break my water and start pitocin. I accepted both.
8pm: 10cm dilated, fully effaced, station 0. I was told I'd start pushing as soon as OB finished up with a c-section. I still don't feel an urge to push, so I don't mind waiting.
9:30pm: start pushing with guidance of nurse and OB. Epidural has worn off quite a bit so I can feel my contractions and time pushing with them. At some point I develop a low-grade fever so the OB gives me antibiotics out of concern for infection. OB steps out and has me continue pushing with nurses.
11pm: OB informs me that baby has not descended at all in last 1.5 hour of pushing. She casually mentions we might need to consider c-section due to failure to descend, my fever, and baby's heart rate was elevating with every push. I feel so overwhelmed and like a failure that I spiral into an emotional breakdown. I ask everyone to leave the room so I can speak to my husband. I ask him what to do. My husband is also an MD and has been coaching me through pushing the entire time, so I feel best putting this decision in his hands. He suggests I push a little longer with the aid of a nurse that I liked.
January 14th (39 + 2) 12am-ish: After another 30+ minutes of pushing, the nurse lets me know nothing has changed. Baby is still at station 0 and I should consider c-section. She tries to assure me that this is not my fault, but I just accept defeat and lay on the bed crying while my husband holds me.
From there they start prepping me for surgery and I won't go into too much detail about the actual c-section. I am still processing the whole thing. I had a panic attack during the procedure and was vomiting and uncontrollably shaking the entire time. I think it was the worst day of my life. I was in such a bad place mentally that I refused to see my daughter until we go to the recovery room. I still have a lot of guilt about that.
I just don't understand what happened. Did I not push hard enough? The OB and nurses try to assure me that it was not my fault, but I am struggling to accept that there was just no reason. The baby was in a good position and was only 7lbs 6 oz. I am already worried about my chances for VBAC and if there's something I did to cause this, then maybe I can work on it before the next pregnancy? If anyone has any insight, I appreciate it.