Birth story: unplanned c-section. Help me understand what happened. (TW: birth trauma)

@armorbear1 OP needs to hear it- there is nothing she could have done differently, and despite everything she got the best possible outcome. She needs to reframe her thinking or she’s going to drive herself insane.
@freeway To jump off this, my daughter had no complications. My son…… different story. I delivered him but on the way out he got stuck. Things went sideways so fast that I couldn’t comprehend what was happening. The doctor was walking me through the things he may have to do, a whole large team of doctors and nurses come rushing in and prepping a lot of stuff, all while I am pushing with a nurse pressing. On my stomich. Luckily he was out quick, but I was not expecting the chaos that came with his birth.

Anything can happen during pregnancy and I am clad your little one is safe. If it helps, no one cares how a person was born as they get older. I was never asked once if I was c-section baby.

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