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@pastorchrisparker I think everyone else has covered everything I wanted to say but I figured I would chime in, anyway. I exclusively formula fed my baby from birth and he is the cuddliest, happiest baby and he is very attached to me! I felt a bond with him from the minute he was born. This was after an extremely anxious pregnancy that was beyond horrendous for my mental health- I was worried I wouldn't be able to bond with him as a result, but instead it was instantaneous and automatic... and I gave him his first bottle in the labor and delivery room shortly after he was born. I actually think breastfeeding would have been more damaging to our bond because I would have had anxiety over producing enough milk, having to wake up throughout the night and feel the pressure of being his exclusive source of food, or have to pump and take time away from actually playing with and cuddling him. Formula feeding was the best decision I made for my mental health and I know that my baby and I are happier and healthier as a result.