Battery Toys w/o an Off Switch


New member
What sadistic shit(s) conceived such a thing?

I definitely have moments where I want to grab my hammer and yell, HERES JOHNNY!

There are now two of these devil toys in my home. I told me wife that going forward, I’m screening all toys from friends and family and she agrees.

I can’t be alone lol

Edit: based off of all the replies, I have come to the scientific conclusion that this was done by battery makers. And why? If you can’t turn it off, you’ll go through more batteries.
@susansnook I have kicked that monster too many times carrying him to bed 😂

Wait! No! It’s the “ZOO TRAIN” that sings an insufferable song when it’s bumped and goes on forever! Luckily that one made it to the sandbox and is now silent
@emekrus YES!! It is Possessed! I swear if I’m trying to be quiet and look at it the wrong way it sets off it’s brainworm of a theme song- thanks for the validation, he loved it but the thing just gave me anxiety! Now it’s all sandy and quiet outside 😃
@sabrinagrace Also toys that will play a sound/say a phrase to remind you to play with it. My kid was gifted one that will repeat EIGHT times over a minute if you don't touch it after the first time. Annoying as hell
@y%C5%8Duhance_24 Yes! So creepy. Toy Story already gives me nightmares then to have a toy in my house demanding to be played with. No thank you. That one got the sage and fire treatment. Out with you demon!
@sabrinagrace My MIL buys these Hess trucks for our kids every year because she used to buy them for my husband. I hate them with the deepest passion because they are SO LOUD. Like the ambulance sounds like an actual ambulance is coming down the street. We tell her every year that we don’t need anymore, please stop sending them and they keep arriving 🫠
@alannasteph i’ve had some success putting clear packing tape over the speakers of some toys. i had to resort to thick electrical tape on the speakers of these thomas the train talking trains my 2yo has because the whistles absolutely SCREAM. why do they make these toys so loud??
@joyung I put hot glue into the holes. Unfortunately with some toys it’s still not enough. How is there not a decibel rating for kids toys? Some of them are definitely hearing damage territory.