Battery Toys w/o an Off Switch

@sabrinagrace Toys where kids DONT have to use their imagination are NOT GOOD!! ENCOURAGE FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO BUY BOOKS/ ART SUPPLIES/ CRAFTING ITEMS OR GIFT CARDS for birthdays and will save your sanity!!!
@sabrinagrace The worst one we have is one of those music keyboards the kid can step on to play. It has a "volume" knob with low, med & high but they don't work... it only plays on obnoxiously high & of course my kid is crazy for it 😆
@sabrinagrace Take the batteries out b4 you give it to your child, only allow those toys to be played with at certain times or special occasions (like when you have a babysitter). The worst gifts you can give a toddler/ young children are battery operated ones & musical instruments. I personally only give gifts like that if I don't like the child's parents (aka my sister in law).
@sabrinagrace Demonic bad spirits that has to be cast out of your house in the name of JESUS. There's something about the name of JESUS that bad spirits are very afraid of. Happened to me twice already. In one occassion my kid's toy made noises at like 3am it freaked me out and I just bravely went to the living room to turn it off and "studied" the position of the toy and what couldve triggered the buttons/sounds. In other occassion, her musical potty went off in the middle of the night and that really spooked me coz I'm certain that the "pee container" will need a certain weight for it to start making sounds and just sitting on the potty isn't enough to trigger sounds. I thought that was very weird and considering that the musical potty has fresh batteries and it never malfunctions.. so again I use the name of Jesus to cast those bad spirits out of my house! I just feel angry whenever bad spirits have the audacity to try scare me! From then on, all of her toys that make noises I usually organize in a certain toy storage and I turn some of them off before bed. So yeah, 2 reasons -- either bad spirits OR batteries nearly drained, most toys with dying batteries would definitely go off and mumble gibberish and freaky noises. And also just like you, all of my kids toys or gifts go to thorough screening lol. Definitely no "spiritual" toys such as ouija board, dungeons and dragons etc..