Battery Toys w/o an Off Switch

@sabrinagrace All of you talking about getting rid of the loud toys (myself included) and my fiancé over here took our son grocery shopping ONE TIME and came home with a CocoMelon karaoke machine. 🤬
@sabrinagrace He forgets about it sometimes, but when he finds it again it’s nonstop!! My only saving Grace is that there a switch to control how loud it is. Still doesn’t stop him from yelling into the microphone, but I don’t have to hear the wheels in the bus at an ear bleeding level.
@sabrinagrace My 18 month old found one of those cursed Fisher Price game controllers at the thrift store, and I couldn’t get to it in time to turn it off. Now it’s in our house, and not a day goes by that I don’t want to chuck that damn thing off the balcony.

Children’s toys probably should not send me into such an animalistic rage, but I f*ckin hate those things 😂😅
@sabrinagrace At our house, batteries are removed from everything. Even if I have to use a screwdriver. Even if I have to cut something open and sew it back up. I don’t want to have to listen to that.
@sabrinagrace The batteries never got put in/were removed from the handful of noisy toys we had when my kids were younger. Kids were happy they had a cool toy, I was happy it didn't make noise or have flashing lights, everything was going great. Until my mother helpfully pointed out to my then 2 year old that the batteries in his firetruck had died, and offered to replace them for him. Then every toy in the house got brought to me repeatedly for months "battery? This need battery mama? Battery broken, it need new one." I purged all the toys I wasn't willing to put batteries in shortly afterwards and didn't allow any new ones back in for a long time.
@sabrinagrace FYI to me this was GIANT NEWS when I found out and was legit stunned, cause I never read the box toys come in, etc.. many speaking and noise making toys have a switch that is on/off/DEMO- I was buying toys and wondering why they didn’t have the “12 phrases” or whatever, (recent Bingo/Bluey doll) and it was only on “Demo” so when I found the switch the other phrases were unlocked. Mind was blown

Oh- also often the “off” mode is there too 😂😂
@mjr88 I learned a toy truck and another toy could be set off via vibrations. Those at least have off buttons, but still nearly crapped my pants when one went off as I made coffee.
@sabrinagrace Not at all. I don't even have a toddler yet, just a 2mo, and my husband tosses or turns down any toys given to us that make noise you can't control. He's a bit if a toy snob but I greatly appreciate it
@sabrinagrace Usually you can force a pencil/screwdriver through the loudspeaker. It will still work, but the noise is lower and a bit more distorted than without. And remember to convince your kids that batteries can never be replaced in such toys. When used, they have to make up the sounds on their own. ;-)