Battery Toys w/o an Off Switch

@alannasteph My partner told his mom that we were donating the loud toy she got LO in front of her. He told her that she should have listened to our rules and if she wants to exchange it instead, she's welcome to. 😬 I'm actually super proud of him for holding that boundary, and also thrilled we screen all of our toys. A handful often get "misplaced" if they are too loud, annoying, or don't have an off button.
@alannasteph Are they the Christmas ones? If so they are a decent collectible. You could make the argument that they need to stay in the box/on a shelf for collection purposes.
@nursefc I think they are. The problem with that is that I hate them and don’t want to look at them either. 😂They’re pretty big. My daughter doesn’t play with them super often luckily, she’s not really into trucks which makes it even more annoying that my MIL keeps sending them to clutter up our house.
@sabrinagrace My brother in law got my daughter a tickle me Elmo. It has an "ON" setting and a "DEMO" setting, and that's it. I didn't read the switch properly, so assumed it had an on and off setting like a normal toy, and got freaked out when this supposedly off doll started laughing at me creepily when I tripped over it.
@wenwood Middle between demo and on is the off position, aka “Elmo is sleeping.”

I had to sneak into my sons room like a ninja one night when I realized Elmo was not only in his bed, but switched on and primed to scare the shit out of the entire family in the middle of the night if he set it off and we heard it over the monitor
@wenwood We also have this. We carefully stash it or make sure it’s in a safe, desolate spot in the house so it doesn’t freak us out in the middle of the night.
@sabrinagrace It does have an off switch, but my LEAST favorite toy is this dancing cactus that listens to what you say/sing/screech to it, and then it repeats it back to you but higher pitched while wiggling around.

So for instance, the toddler might go “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH,” and the cactus will scream back, even more piercingly as it writhes in sadistic glee.

“Okay kids, time to clean up your toys,” I might calmly and reasonably say.

“cLeAn Up YoUr ToYyYyYyYyS” the cactus insolently mocks back, and the children laugh and turn their backs on me. They’ve found a new authority to listen to. It plots the demise of all adults with the children, guileless and innocent in their love for this eldritch horror of a plaything.

It has an off switch, yes, but it cannot be contained, controlled, or escaped.