Baby J has arrived! Birth Story to Follow


New member
Well, induction on Monday just went out the window.

Baby J (name TBD) arrived at 7:02 pm EST, weighing in at 6 lbs, 14 oz.

She is happy and healthy and has a beautiful head of brown hair, just like her big sister.

My water broke at 4:45 PM, and I literally just made it to the hospital in time (a 45 minute trip) - when they checked me upon arrival, I was 9 cm dilated. No time for epidural. Total and utter pain, but I freaking pushed her out. The whole thing was out of a movie.

I love you guys, and I am so excited to share this happy news with you.

I am on my phone, so forgive the lack of Flair and any typos.

Will send full birth story when I am able.

@soldier4ujesus OMG!!!! Girl!!! Congrats!!!
Hahahaha I'm laughing a lot and hubby looks at me weird haha

This was a fair contest and you won flawlessly haha.

Can't believe you can enjoy that gorgeous girl :) So much love your way and so happy to see you both are ok and had a fairly good and quick experience.
