B Belly


New member
Hey mamas, pre pregnancy I weighed around 250lbs and I'm 5'5-5'6. I'm now 23 weeks and feel my belly has grown a bunch but I just look really big. The top of my stomach is hard and some of the bottom can be hard too but mostly flabby. I'm really ashamed of my weight as I've already gained 20+ lbs and my b belly feels as if it's not going to round out🥲 I'm more venting than anything. Wondering if anybody relates?
@forevereternal Agree with the other poster my B belly rounded out around 30w. I was sad because I just looked fat and not pregnant most of my pregnancy. I started rubbing my tummy every chance I got and that gave people the hint that I was pregnant. There is shapewear out there you can get that may round you out but I didn’t have much success with that.
@lone_disciple Not sure of my measurements of just my belly. But I am 5’9” and started out over 300lbs. I actually lost weight my whole pregnancy because I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 11w and had to change my diet. I lost about 27lbs during my pregnancy. Then another 20lbs when baby was born. Baby was born 9lb9oz. I have gained a bit back since going back to my normal eating habits. I don’t know if that helps at all
@married2aliar It helps a ton! Thank you so much! I’m 5’3 and started at 293 in the first few weeks I gained 10lbs with no changes to clothing feeling…. So I think it was water and constipation. My weight can fluctuate 6lbs in just a few days if I have a fever or sugar or sodium. I’m up about 10lbs and 20 weeks in…. I do feel like my belly is sort of rounding out but there’s definitely at least a half inch of B indent and so I’m like…. This could really go either way lol.
@lone_disciple I have an apron belly so I was pretty sure that wasn’t going to fill in. Even with losing weight I still got bigger as the baby grew and I rounded out at 30w as much as I could.
@forevereternal Yep. Different numbers but probably similar proportions (lower weight but shorter). Unfortunately I’m now at 37 weeks and still have that kind of belly. Most of the time though I don’t think about it unless I’m wearing something that actually shows it. Usually I’ll wear a flowy dress or top that shows only the top of the bump and covers the second bump beneath it. I promise you though, you’re beautiful no matter the shape or size of your bump!
@forevereternal Hi! I’m 5’5”, started at 256, but currently 249 at 27wks. Same as you, the bottom of my belly is flabby, but the top is rounded and hard. I don’t really care about my weight or how it’s perceived at this point, but that’s probably because I’m mid -thirties and firmly in the IDGAF stage of my life.

You’re going to have a baby! Keep as active as you can and get ready for your little one! You’re almost there.
@forevereternal I started off similar to you and I’m now almost 39 weeks. My belly has definitely rounded out, though I feel like all my belly fat has sort of migrated to the bottom and hangs off my round bump. I wear mostly leggings so that smooths it out. It makes me a little concerned if I need to c section because there’s a lot there to cut through but I know if that happens I won’t be the first plus size woman to need a c section so clearly it’s still possible.
@7caldwell I had a c section and definitely had an apron kind of lower belly even before pregnancy that stayed during pregnancy too. My belly had to be kind of taped up during the c section but I know that’s not uncommon, and like you said, lots of plus size women have c sections! I’m only 4 weeks postpartum now and my incision is right at the start of my hair line and not visible at all, and it healed so quick and beautifully!
@7caldwell Did you find that the bottom of your belly almost felt like your belly fat had dropped and accumulated at the bottom? Almost like it’s hard and a bit lumpy?
I’m 36 weeks and I feel like this has happened to me and whilst I didn’t have a very noticeable apron belly pre-pregnancy, I have definitely sagged.
I am also conscious about the impact of a C-section and my belly sag. I’m also worried my belly will stay very droopy post-partum.
@forevereternal I’m 23 weeks as well and feel your frustration. I think it’s slowly rounding out but not sure if it will. It means I can’t get good pictures of my bump and it doesn’t look like one 😔 which is sad but I’m trying to accept it and be neutral about it