When did your belly snap back?

@cernunnos You are only six months out! Don’t worry. It could change and if it doesn’t, that also okay. Give yourself two years and if your stomach isn’t the same ask yourself- do my kids care? Friends? Partner? Anyone at all? I found the only who cared was me. It’s okay for our bodies to change. It’s also okay to take time to both recover and/or adjust to your new body.

Sounds like you just weaned so give yourself time. Your skin may gain some elasticity back. But I hope you aren’t too worried. It’s sounds like you’re very healthy.
@cernunnos Mine is 21.5 and I’m 41. My muscle tone is not very different from when I was 30 and I have the small muscle pooch at 14 mo pp. I’m feeling inspired by some of these posts though. I think we can still do it:)
@cernunnos I'm not sure when I went back to how it was before, but about 2.5 years post partum I felt like it looked good again and I was easily wearing my old clothes.
I was a bit lazy with being active though to be honest (I'm a SAHM with no outside childcare though, so limited on free time 😅).
Pregnant now with my second and hoping that it won't take as long.
@cernunnos My first pregnancy (26yo) my stomach was very similar to pre-pregnancy by 10-12m pp. I was at or below pre-pregnancy weight at around the same time. I’m 13 months pp (30yo) from my second pregnancy and although I’m doing all the same things and working out even more, my weight is really taking a long time to drop. I’m still 20lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight and I gained the exact same amount of weight both pregnancies. My stomach is no where near what it was but I’m hoping that will fix itself the more weight I lose.
@cernunnos I never truly 'snapped back' but I did naturally lose a significant amount of weight after having my second child 2.5 years after my first. I even started to see my figure come back as well.
@cernunnos Probably by nine months because that's when I went on a more stringent health kick and lost more weight and did more lifting so my abs came back to almost what they used to be (I used to have lovely abs in retrospect - miss you guys)

There was still a subtle shape difference if I got bloated for any reason (fizzy drinks or very large meal) in that from just below the bellybutton upwards then it would have an odd step-like protrusion outwards - difficult to explain but the way I bloat has changed and this has not yet gone back to normal.

I'm fatter again now because first trimester, so no idea what's happening right now, but I did feel like my ab muscles and general shape of abdomen were back to normal by 9 months.

I will not be as lucky this time, I don't think because I'm not as motivated to stay fit and lean.
Edited to add
This was not a c section stomach and I still haven't weaned.
My pelvic floor PY said I'd healed my DR by 8 weeks - i didn't do anything special, just followed some gentle videos on the TV for it.

I think healing the DR really helps.

And I basically baby wore continuously for at least three hours a day, if not more until he was nearly one.
@cernunnos With my first, honestly a couple of weeks. I wasn't exactly happy with it, but I looked like I did pre-baby, aside from the enormous boobs.

I'm only a month PP with my second now, but things are definitely a lot squishier than last time 😅 I haven't lost any weight since the immediate loss of fluid/placenta/baby weight, so that might be part of it, but I'm almost 33 now and definitely think it has something to do with being older (and it not being my first baby).
@cernunnos I am pretty much like you at 15 months pp. Unsure if this will change. I am 10lbs below prepregnancy weight at this point. 2 finger DR but no symptoms or doming. Just a bulgy belly. Luckily I’ve preferred wearing loose clothing all my life so it is easy to hide it.
@cernunnos EBF both my kids and exercise regularly. With the first, it was really fast. Like 6-8 months? And I was 80% there by 3 months. With the second kid… TBD 😞

Had a four-pack (never really got all six) before having two giant kids.
@cernunnos I'm working on loosing the pregnancy weigh im curious to see how it will show on my belly when it's done. But don't forget that for some woman it takes up to 2 years for your uterus to go back to normal
@cernunnos Hey girl! If I were you I’d get checked for diastasis recti!
I am currently 11 months postpartum and I had the exact same issue!! Workout out as much as possible, lost all the weight, fit into regular clothing. But for some Reason my stomach still to this day bulges out. I got checked for diastasis recti last week after some people on this app recommended because of my bulge and yup I infact have it. Some workouts can worsen diastasis recti and it’s better to resolve it sooner than later so if I were you I’d definitely get checked!

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