Anyone stop running first trimester due to fatigue only?


New member
Hi—it’s my first pregnancy and I’m about 8 weeks. I’ve been so fatigued and trying to make myself run, but I’ve had to cut my mileage way down and take what feels like constant walk breaks, and I just don’t want to run anymore because I have started to dread it. I’ve been relatively fortunate in that I have barely been nauseous, so my only problem is really the fatigue, and I wonder if I should be able to just make myself push through it. Anyone else have a similar experience?
@donjackitasy Around 7w I all but completely stopped working out. That includes weight lifting and cardio. The fatigue has completely kicked my butt. I can barely stay awake a full work day. I do still try to get out and walk with my dogs so I’m not completely sedentary. I have made the choice to give myself grace during this first trimester. This too shall pass and I’ll be able to workout again soon. It’s the same grace I’ve chosen to give myself when the only food I can stand to eat is Totinos frozen pizza 🤷🏻‍♀️ now I’m 10.5w and I’m hoping these symptoms subside soon because it’s really starting to get to me and I want to be more active again. I just can’t. No matter what I plan for the day nausea and fatigue knocks me down.
@donjackitasy So I didn’t have this but I remember listening to a podcast interviewing an Olympian runner where she said SHE didn’t run during the first trimester because if fatigue. It was her whole life pretty much and even she had to drop it for a few months.
@donjackitasy I didn’t run the first trimester. All I did was the bare minimum to stay alive and sleep. Around 15 weeks I managed a very short slow run and took a 2 hour nap after. It’s been getting better, I’m at 21 weeks and running 45-60 minutes three times a week. Still taking naps on run days, but it feels good to get out and move around.
@donjackitasy You’re growing an entire new organ AND a new human. That first trimester energy is being taken up by those two processes. I was a zombie during first trimester, give yourself a break, it will be a whole new world in 2nd trimester! It slows again in the 3rd but I’m here at 33 weeks still making it to Orangetheory about 4-5x/week! But for real, listen to your body!
@donjackitasy Yes I stopped! Weeks 6-10 and I started back again two weeks ago at 11 weeks. Last week, I had extreme fatigue and nauseous again so I didn’t push it, but this week I ran! I have accepted it’s a rollercoaster of energy 🤷🏼‍♀️
@donjackitasy I'm 7 weeks today and I've completely given up truly exercising. Climbing, yoga, running? Can't fathom it. All I can muster is slowwwwww walks with my dog. Hoping I get back to it in a few weeks but just being kind to myself for now. I can barely get through the work day.
@donjackitasy Oh my gosh yes. I'm 24 weeks now. I tried a couple runs early first trimester and another one at about week 16. Other than that I've just done daily 1-1.5 mi walks with my dogs and some walking pad walks during work (just got the walking pad a couple weeks ago).

First trimester, I was so exhausted and was focusing on sleep. There were a couple weeks in early 2nd tri where I felt good and did a few 20-30 min work outs but then insomnia hit and I am once again prioritizing getting sleep.

I also didn't realize my RHR would be so high and running just does sound fun right now so I'm holding off for now. And this is coming from a person who loves working out and running and speed workouts, and has done multiple marathons and halfs so it's hard. I'm contemplating trying to do some walk + runs but when the weather is a little nicer so I actually enjoy it!
@donjackitasy Hi it’s ME! I love running. It hasn’t gotten better for me personally. Still exhausted second tri. Pregnancy hormones are a lot for my body I’ve learned.
@donjackitasy Yes, I’ve put running on hold for now. I’m 9w and managing to get in some yoga and walks but that’s it. And really only yoga because I have a membership I don’t want to go to waste. This is my second pregnancy and I know last time I felt so much better energy-wise second trimester. So I’m holding out for that. But man it is a struggle to stay awake all day, especially with a toddler.
@donjackitasy I had some really low mileage weeks between about 8 and 12 weeks, but I did make myself maintain the routine of going out and walking at least so it was easier to pick it back up as I felt better.
@donjackitasy I’m 10 weeks and haven’t worked out since about a month ago. I’ll have a day where I feel normal and I’d rather prioritize meal prepping in the interest of time and being able to eat somewhat healthy. I’m hoping in a few weeks I will feel like myself again so I can return back to weights and cardio.

The days I have to go into work, I am absolutely drained of all life force by the time I get back home so any extra activity is out of the question.

I tell myself that I am doing a lot of unseen work and I can’t expect myself to have the same external output. I try to give myself a lot of time to nap and just lounge. I don’t know how people with kids at home do this! They must be superhuman.
@donjackitasy I stopped running because my boobs hurt too bad and not even the most hardcore sports bras would help. Listen to your body! You’ll get your energy back in the second trimester!
@donjackitasy I used to run almost every day but have only been weight lifting / spinning in the first trimester (10 weeks today). I’ve found I get out of breath so easily, hoping it goes away in the second trimestet