Anyone race a marathon?


New member
I posted in the r/running community too but curious to see if anyone else has marathon plans. I’ll be 8 weeks by my race date, I’m torn if I should race or just go easy. I’m only 4 minutes away from qualifying for Boston so the temptation is there. I ran my last 20 miler on Sunday and did my 5 mile tempo at 7:15 pace this morning and felt fantastic. I keep thinking how incredible of a story that would be to tell my child they qualified for Boston with me?? I know my body very well and I’ve been a runner my entire life. What challenges would you expect by 8 weeks?
@albertyn how far along are you now? I noticed my heart rate going nuts pretty early (5-6 weeks). Fatigue set in a bit after that, which I was able to run through first trimester, but my pace definitely suffered. just couldn't recover well and every run felt like an active recovery run after a long workout - just so much harder than I'd expect for the pace I was going, and feeling like my legs had nothing to give. ymmv widely though - you're speedier than I am, and every body reacts differently!
@bymy45 I’m 5 weeks now, I noticed heart issues at week 3 and actually thought it was the medication I was on lol. I haven’t had any more issues since though 🤞. So far I feel like I’m still recovering after key workouts very well... but time will tell. I could race next weekend (had a half planned) instead which I’m considering. I wouldn’t mind switching to the full, the course profiles are similar but I’d have less time for a proper taper.
@albertyn I would honestly think about next weekend. My fatigue really really ramped up as the weeks went on - you're still early so it makes sense you haven't noticed a lot! but you also might fatigue less in general, so it's a gamble either way.
@albertyn Also a marathon runner here - I'd give it a go, but I experienced extreme fatigue and morning sickness from about 6 weeks. I was also ridiculously thirsty and bloated early on. If you feel well - run it but I wouldn't even have a time in mind - just aim to finish.

I had a bleed at 6-7 weeks, that combined with sciatica (runs in the family in pregnancy) and ligament pain I chose to hang up my running shoes for the pregnancy. I'm now nearly 14weeks pp - having laboured to 9cm and having a C-section and I've start running again 4 weeks ago. It's amazing, but pregnancy has done a number on me, I'm doing the c25k program.
@katrina2017 Hi I’m 13 week post c section and was cleared at week 11 to run (but that was just before vacation so I didn’t run yet😅). How was your first run? Grateful for any advice you may have
@tim1960 Cardio wise I am nowhere near where I used to be - but wasn't as bad as I expected. I have lost an awful lot of core strength and strength in general. I so feel heavy and clumsy whilst running - I still have 15lbs to lose and I don't think the lack of strength helps matters either.

I'm glad I'm taking things slow - the c25k program is helping me with this and I'll recover my fitness it will just take time.
I'm not planning on running marathon distance until 2023, though I probably will run a half, but it feels a long way off.

Good luck with your run - take it slow and don't be too hard on yourself.
@katrina2017 Thanks. Looking at the C25k program is a great idea. I never tried but now is the moment or never I guess. Good lunch with your half marathon. preparation. Just hoping I won’t feel too bad when restarting, but I’m longing my winter sessions in the nature.
@albertyn I would talk to your OB. They have loosened up a lot on heart rate rules (used to tell pregnant women not go go above like 160 BPM or something) but my doc (a runner herself) told me she’d like me to be able to talk while exercising (so not SUPER out of breath) and wouldn’t recommend running more than 10-12 miles. Your doc may have different advice of course, but I’d recommend just seeing what they say.
@garye77 Thanks this is what I was thinking too! Still waiting to hear back from my OB.... they haven’t even called me back yet to schedule the appointment. But I’m meeting with some of my other doctors in a few weeks so I’ll run it by them too and see what they say!
@albertyn Q: Are you 4 minutes away from the official qualifying time on the website, or 4 minutes away from what you expect the unofficial cutoff window to be? Because if it's the former, trying to execute a 7-10 minute PR while pregnant is dicey. Not because you're unfit! But because you truly won't know what the next few weeks of pregnancy do to you and how you feel on race day. I was an experienced marathoner pre-pregnancy (though not Boston level- go you!). But between nausea and discomfort, I barely ran while pregnant.

Here's another thought: let's say you qualify for Boston and sign up for 2023. How would you feel about potentially not being able to run or having subpar training from having a baby? Not saying this will happen, but that's one of the downsides of qualifying while pregnant- you don't know the specific contours of your fitness and running life after baby is born.

In your taper-- since, as others have said, this may be a race week decision-- think about what's going to feel worse for you. Is it the sense of lost potential if you decide to go easy? Is it the possibility of crashing or becoming ill after pushing hard in the beginning, and DNFing or having a huge positive split? Is it something else? Pregnancy symptoms and how you feel are the #1 guide, but that may help you to understand your deeper motivations and what you can do to be successful in your fit pregnancy.
@nilton65 4 minutes from the official qualifying time, I’m just going for the “official BQ”, not looking to run it. That will be my post baby goal lol. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom!
@albertyn Serena Williams won Wimbledon at 8 weeks pregnant!

I ran half marathons at 8 weeks and 23 weeks, with the first trimester race a full 45 minutes slower. You just never know. See how you're doing on race day. Give it your all, but acknowledge that your all might be different than it was a month ago.

Good luck!
@albertyn I ran a marathon at 8 weeks. While I am no means fast, it was definitely achievable on my account. I just ensured I had snacks with me and stayed hydrated. Congratulations and good luck!
@albertyn Again, not fast by any means! But, not pregnant I ran 5:12 and pregnant I ran 5:07! I also don't train by running LOL. For both, I did CrossFit 4-5x a week and ran a long run 1x a week for the mental aspect. I also ran a half marathon at 30 weeks. It is DEFINITELY doable!
@albertyn I was training for a marathon when I got pregnant. My first trimester threw a wrench in those plans.

A lot of people don’t have heinous fatigue and nausea so if you’re feeling up for it, there’s no reason to stop - unless your doctor says to of course. I would recommend not pushing yourself though. Listen to your body - it speaks much louder when you’re pregnant.

I also found I needed a lot more water. Like, a LOT more. I’d bring a full 2L running pack even on short runs. Seriously watch out for dehydration.
@tweedledee Thanks for the info!!! I always drink a ton of water so I haven’t noticed that symptom yet. However I have noticed food tastes even more incredible now, especially cooking with fresh ingredients!