Anyone interested in a “cooking for multiples” sub?


New member
Bear with me here, I know the title sounds very “BLOG MOMMY😜🥰” but hear me out:

I found a few things recently that have helped me save a shit ton of time, are fairly healthy AND help me stretch my WIC allotments. Not even ashamed on this sub to say we receive WIC—even though I am ashamed to tell pretty much everywhere else—because I imagine most of us know how financially draining it is to feed two at a time.

I get there are tons of recipes subs, but EXPEDITED AF cooking times two is next level, add in considering health AND extreme affordability and it’s just…ugh. I could really use the help.

Here are three I’ve done in the last couple of days:

•Tuna burgers (will be making with ~packaged~ chicken tonight)

two cans of tuna, 1-2 eggs (using one this time), two pieces of bread.
  1. Tear up the bread into small pieces
  2. Add egg
  3. Add tuna
  4. Mix
  5. Form into “burgers” (I made mine using about half a handful of the ish each and pat them pretty flat so I knew the egg would cook and so the babies could pick them up themselves)
  6. Cook in a pan on medium heat until firm
Took like 10 mins

•Two-ingredient banana pancakes

Banana (note: I had half an extra ripe one left over from whatever and included it; highly recommend but not worth using a full second banana)
Two eggs
And because I’m a daredevil, I added 1/4 tsp vanilla, and by 1/4 tsp, I mean I held the bottle over the bowl and splashed in what was prooooobably 1/4 or so
  1. Mash banana (should like like pudding, not too many lumps)
  2. Add eggs
  3. Add whatever extras you wants (vanilla, nuts, do you)
    3.5. Not necessary but I strongly suggest spraying the skillet bc they’re hard to flip since they’re so runny
  4. Pre-heat pan over medium
  5. Put about 2 tbsp worth of mixture on the skillet per pancake (they will be in no way circular)
  6. Cook for like, 1.5 minutes max on one side
  7. Use a super thin spatula to flip bc the fuckers are flimsy and will try to fuck around
  8. 1.5 max on other side
  9. Out of pan when you see even slight brown—they’re gonna stay flimsy
  10. Powdered sugar on top if you want.
Mine usually fall apart when flipping but they taste the same so whatever.

Took ~15 mins only because I used a pan. If you have a skillet you can do all the batter at once and be done.

Chicken/brown rice “mush”

Instant brown rice
chicken packet
Cream of mushroom soup
  1. Cook rice
  2. Put rice in skillet and cook egg in rice
  3. Add chicken
  4. Add like six tbsp (???) cream of mushroom (leave it dry enough so it sticks together and you can form it into little “hills” on their trays so they feed themselves
Took as much time as instant rice takes

Anyway: what do y’all think about a sub for these types of thrown together “meals” that yield enough food for multiple babies but don’t require lots of time, money or effort? And that are lowkey enough that only parents of multiples would consider full meals even without using celery or carrots to “AdD a cUTee fAcE so the LO adores it and means it’s KID APPROVED!”

Sorry if this exists already 🤷🏻‍♀️

PLEASE share recipes, meal tips, boxed/premade meals you feel good about using, whatever. They would be so appreciated.
@lisas Hahahahahahaha YES, you are the very first person who’s gotten it. When I get messages, they usually begin with “hi Emily…”

I love her explanation: the snake was as skinny as aunt Emily and as green as spinach
@anglicanpeace Is there a “cooking” flair already? I know there’s breastfeeding. Idk, I never use them. If so, maybe that would be a good way to make them easier to find if people would rather keep everything in on sub. Idc either way, I just need help 😅🥹
@mendicant I was just trying to google things like this because i run out of ideas. I made those banana pancakes today! I add some peanut butter to mine and they're so good, hub & I end up eating them 🥹. But I would love more meal things, every tine I google I get pureed food ideas back which isn't what I want. I can buy a container of puree for a dollar, you know?
@katiebugsb If you like soups, my go-to healthy summer soup I came up with is:
Scoop out a melon, pour some skinny milk on it, put it in a turmix. Season with things like vanilla powder, cinnamon, a small amount of fresh lemon juice. Mix it with a bit of cream, cool it down. Serve with chopped almonds or whipped cream.
Its healthy, quick, sweet and cools you down in a hot summer!
@katiebugsb I was running behind on cooking dinner so I thought I’d do the banana pancakes again, but then I noticed I had an avocado that was close to going bad. Soooo. I did half an avocado with a full banana+same other stuff, and babies loved it! I used the rest for avocado/cheese toast to supplement to pancakes. Has me wondering what other things we can throw in with two eggs and call it pancakes, haha
@jimmysco4u I love making my boys veggie burgers! I get a frozen bag of mixed veggies (my store has a stir fry mix that has bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, and broccoli), cook those up in the microwave, toss them in a food processor with a can of whatever beans we have on hand, add some egg and carbs (could be bread, oats, rice, doesn’t matter). They can be baked in the oven or fried in a pan and then we freeze them and thaw as needed. It’s super quick, pretty minimal cleanup, and so far well liked!
@jimmysco4u The molly baz one can be a little time consuming, but find that it makes us two nights of meals. So i freeze half and then have an emergency ready to eat meal for another day.
@jimmysco4u I make a lot of black bean quesadillas. Mix some Goya sazón in the beans, cook a lil bit, drain. Scatter cheese and beans on tortilla, fold, cook, cut in four pieces. Each of my kids gets 2 slices at 3.