Anyone else walk into a big box store and feel like they’re the only ones awake in some sort of toxic capitalist matrix?

@doubra I feel the same with online retailers. Amazon, shein, temu ... Like don't me wrong I do occasionally place an Amazon order, there's some things that are hard to get elsewhere. But with baby stuff it's Amazon everything. Amazon registries, Amazon gift cards ...

Someone in a moms group recently recommended and linked to a teether from a random Amazon drop shipping seller. Half the people in the group then went and bought it too. A soft plastic toy, your child is meant to put in their mouth! I thought I was going nuts but didn't know exactly how to say something without coming across as super preachy so just said nothing.

We also organised a clothes swap in my community recently and TBF most baby clothes where from normal brands like H&M, JoJoMama ... but some people dropped of bags and bags unopened shein clothing. It's just kinda sad. I don't think anyone took them so they'll probably end up in the landfill anyway

The screen time is a whole other can of worms. We're in a place that's pretty accepting of children, yet you go to s restaurant and it's all screens everywhere
@brazilianchristianlady The Temu “shop like a billionaire” slogan really put me off. Spend frivolous money on bullshit you don’t need with zero regard for the economic, environmental, or societal impact? It’s actually the perfect way to describe a Temu purchase. I’ll never ever buy anything from them and I’ve scaled way back on my Amazon purchases.

My MIL gave us a teething toy from some Amazon alphabet company and it’s just going in the trash I’m afraid.
@dj1skywalker Sometimes the marketing does the opposite SO LOUDLY! I thought the same thing about “shop like a billionaire” but also- billionaires don’t buy disposable clothes and plastic crap. If they buy a can opener, it’s not one that’s going to break and need to be replaced. It’s QUALITY.
@brazilianchristianlady I absolutely feel this with retailers. I see so many people getting almost everything for their new baby from amazon, or for themselves. everything from wearables to stuff to eat and drink off of, it’s surprising that more people don’t know or don’t think to look into it.