Anyone else have a giant baby?

@washedinhisblood My baby turns 3 months old next week, he's just about 15 lbs and probably 24-25 inches now. I dress him pretty much exclusively in sleepers, and most brands I've tried he's either about to outgrow the 3-6 mo size or he's already in the 6-9 mo size. He's very broad, but his thighs are the only chubby part of him. He outgrew his first bassinet a couple weeks ago, so I had to order a larger one because I'm not quite ready to put him in his crib yet. He was born 7lbs 7 oz and I guess decided he had to make up for it lol
@washedinhisblood Yes my daughter was small for awhile. My son however is big, he's 4 months about 16lbs now I believe and is chunky he drinks 8oz about every 3-4 hours too. The doctor was like "really?" So glad I'm not the only one who has a baby that eats that much. He also doesn't spit up that much at all. My kids are Irish twins my daughter is 1 now, so I would always compare how much they drink. She drinks 8oz now about 2-3 times a day and my son 4-5 times a day. It's crazy.
@loom Yeah we haven’t gone to our 4 month apt yet but it’s on the 11th. When we told our doctor he’s eating 7oz at 2 month apt you should’ve saw the doctors face lol. He barley ever spits up either so I know he’s eating what he need but it seems like so much😭
@washedinhisblood Mine is 9m gonna be 10m on the 17th. My husband is 5’9, I’m 5’2, my tallest member is my brother at 6’5.5 130-140lbs and my husband’s tallest family member is his brother at 6’4 325lbs. Our son was born at 7lb 7oz 19.5in, at our 2m checkup he was 21in and 12lbs, 3m checkup was 15lbs even (idk how) and we are going for our 9m appointment on Monday but his weight with the home baby scale is 24.06lbs. He worn premie coming home went through the first 3 sizes between 3m and 4m and now is in 18-24m clothes, 4C shoes, 18m socks and toddler hats as the 18-24 hats are too small for his big head.
@washedinhisblood He’s not here yet so jury is still out on how big he’ll actually be but he’s been measuring in the 95th percentile consistently and at my 36 week scan they told me he’s already over 7lbs 🫠

I’m 5’11 and my husband is 6’4 so I never assumed we would have a small baby but damn!
@cognizance That’s how my pregnancy went too! I only got 1 scan since he broke my water at 38 weeks at home😂 Little guy was so cramped he had to come out 2 weeks early I guess. I never would’ve thought how big he was gonna be till they sat him on my chest, dude was massive lol
@washedinhisblood Mine is cramped too!! I’m 36+4 and every day it feels like he’s trying to force his way out. I’ve even been having sporadic contractions and I’m like I don’t think this kid wants to stay in much longer
@washedinhisblood My 11 month old is >99th percentile for height and in 2T clothes. He weighed 6.5lbs at birth but my husband is very tall! I think that’s why. People always guess 18 months for age and try to high five him
@washedinhisblood My 6 month old is roughly 18lbs and wearing 9m clothing. So she’s not HUGE but over 80th percentile for both height and weight, and her head is 94th percentile.

I’m 5’1” and 115lbs so to me, she’s a big girl! My husband is 6’2”. I’m worried in another 3 months I won’t be able to comfortably carry her, lol. My back is already sore and my hips are still wrecked from pregnancy!
@washedinhisblood Yes! I had my giant baby at 38 weeks 1 day.
He weighed 10 pounds 8 oz and 21 inches.
Now he is 15 weeks and 4 days and he is killing my back. The last time we went to the doctor when he was 13 weeks he was about 17 pounds and 25 inches. He is wearing 3-6 and 6-9 clothes and size 3 diapers. We have his 4 month appointment next week 🥰
@strrpos Oh I’m sure! I know as a kid I had to go through it, me, my dad, and my grandparents are all 20 years apart so strangers thought my grandparents were my parents and I had a few times they even asked if my dad was my boyfriend at like 13😭
@washedinhisblood I had a 9 lb 7 oz baby back in August. She’ll be 5 months this week and she is in 12 month clothing and 12-25 month socks. At her 4 month visit a month ago, she was 26 inches and 16 lbs and 7 oz but we just saw a major growth after Christmas soooo we’ll see. I’m 5’7 and my husband is 5’6 and we’re pretty average build and we were both small babies. We’re currently struggling because all her 12 month clothing is summer season and not winter -_-
@washedinhisblood My 7 month old is in the 99th percentile. 24lbs and around 32 inches (I haven’t measured recently). He’s always been in the 99th and proportionate though, so his pediatrician has no concerns. He sticks to about 4-5 ounces of milk each feeding (breastfed baby) so if you’re formula feeding then I would say 8 ounces is totally normal.

I am 5’8” and my husband is 6’2”. His pediatrician thinks he’ll be a big and tall boy like his dad, between 6’2” and 6’4”.

I love having a big boy… the only issue is he’s 7 months old and already wearing size 18-24 month clothes (depending on brand). I had to transition all his cotton sleepers to bamboo because at 24 months they start making them in only “slim” versions - but he’s not old enough to have slimmed down 😩 Also wearing 2T socks