Anyone else hate working?

@waka My job 100% is what brings me mental stimulation during the day. I genuinely enjoy my job like 80% of the time. Of course there's days where I'd rather just sleep in and do nothing. But overall, I wouldn't choose to quit my job even if it was feasible financially unless I had SO much money that I could start a foundation or something doing something to help others. But I still couldn't just have no job or nothing to do.. People do need a purpose. A SAHM has a purpose, a working mother has a purpose, someone just sitting on the couch all day doing nothing would quickly get bored.
@waka Literally! I always say you should know how to entertain yourself. My mom was a SAHM most of her life but never got bored. She had to work for about 15 years when our finances were unstable and she hated it, only did it to help out at home. I’m the same. There’s so much more to life than work and people are out here saying they’d be bored? Lol
@pearleallay44 If I had freedom to do what I liked I wouldn't get bored, but with kids that's not really the case. You have to do a lot of boring stuff. Anyway my job is really interesting, more than housework or playing pretend for sure.
@waka I think it depends on your job. My job brings me a lot of satisfaction because it’s something I’m passionate about and brings out the best in me.

If I worked an office job, I would 100% hate working.
@waka I can only work jobs that bring me purpose because, and I wouldn't say this is a good thing, but the moment I think that job is meaningless or repetitive or what not, I start getting distracted and stop doing it well.
So I need to know that my job is helping the world be a better place.
@waka I don't know, I don't think I could handle doing a job solely for the money. Like yes, I can certainly find purpose and mental stimulation outside of my job because I'm a human being who is more than just my career, but still... 40 hours a week is a huge chunk of time so while I'm there, I want to feel like I'm contributing to more than just some executive's bank account.
@biblicalselfdefense I wouldn't become a hit man for money or do anything that violates my ethics. But I don't work in a creative field, so there's zero stimulation. I also work for the government so no executive is getting their bank account filled either. Lose-lose?
@liz555 In the same boat. Thankfully it’s really good money with a lot of flexibility so I can’t really complain. That said, like you I have zero desire to move up the ladder. I don’t want to put any more effort into work than I already have to. Maybe when kids don’t need me as much but I get the sense at that point my hobbies and passions would take the place of that extra time. Life’s too short not to spend every free moment you can on things you love, in my case, that def ain’t work.
@liz555 All of this. I’m also in a sales type role. I was laid off last year and just started a new role so the ramp up is significant and we’re basically living on pennies. I live in a constant state of stress and anxiety. I’m honestly just angry that our economy no longer supports a single income family.
@liz555 I actually love my job, but I wish I could do it part time. I've been in a bit of a funk for the past 2 months and am in the process of shaking myself out of it. This takes some time, and I wish I had more time during the day to do things I love outside of work. I had other jobs that sucked the life out of me, and definitely had dreams of just never going back to work again.

Since you have to work, would it be possible to find work that you don't hate? But that is also a real job with a real paycheck, not a social media influencer. Maybe sales isn't your thing anymore. Or maybe it is, but you need to find a sales job for a company you really like or on a super supportive sales team. It might be time to do some soul searching.

And please oh please, if you decide to go the lifestyle vlogger/social media route - keep your children out of it. Momfluencers and mommy vloggers are basically the lowest of the low (unless they make a 100% commitment to keep their kids anonymous and off screen). They make money off exploiting their children, and since they legally aren't required to put the money their KIDS earn into an account for their KIDS, most don't. So their kids never see a dime off the money they earned through their exploitation. There are also more insidious things that parent vloggers and influencers do to increase views (and $), which I won't mention here.
@liz555 I feel this. Corporate job for last 8 years. Was grateful to just have a job and get by during the pandemic. Seriously wanted to quite quit but then a series of events with people leaving or retiring jn my group I got promoted, then more responsibilities, then became a people manager of 3 and then 6. All that while still being an individual contributor and without a pay increase. I tell people i girl bossed too hard and now i have real responsibilities at work. Want to quit but we couldn’t make it on just my husbands salary. Just going to keep riding this train as long as i can I guess 🤷‍♀️ I feel so stretched between work and home that I’m just not cutting it for either.
@rosedude I love the phrase "girl bossed too close to the sun." learned it here and have been using it in real life. It's so true, though! I'm the one who is now working full-time while my husband works part-time and spends the most time with the baby.

That and I got my job promotion within my first year here, which has definitely called a lot of attention to myself.
@liz555 Omg! We have the same sentiments! I always tell my husband, I wanted to resign. I just got tired of complaining so I stop but I am thinking of being a school bus driver just to be fun. Haha
@liz555 Although I don’t like work I managed to find a wfh one where I rarely work more than 25 hours. It’s the bees knees. Husband is in sales and is absolutely stressed all the time, except doesn’t even make that good of money.
@liz555 I have always hated working and have never found a job I loved. The closest thing was teaching English online but it was also exhausting. I spent most of my career in the nonprofit sector and I dealt with a lot of toxic people and dysfunctional situations. I thought it was me until I started trying other things and realized that not all work places are like that.

Currently I have a true unicorn job where I can set my own hours, WFH and the money isn’t bad. I’m doing it extremely part time right now and spend the rest of my time as a SAHM. Being a SAHM is fucking hard. It’s tedious and draining all at the same time. Still I’d choose it over going back to work full time.

Eventually, when both kids are in school full-time I’ll be able to ramp up my hours and enjoy working more but hopefully not being full time.

My dream has always been to be a maker or creator of some kind but I just can’t ever stick to anything long enough to make it make money (hello ADHD). I’m also trying to learn that my hobbies don’t need to be monetized.