Anyone else hate working?


New member
Just a rant. My husband and I both work in sales. We make good money and are good at our jobs. I just HATE working. I do it solely to help provide for my family because without a double income we wouldn’t be able to get by. I have absolutely 0 motivation and want nothing more than just to be a SAHM. I do not care about climbing a ladder or getting a promotion, as that would just take more time away from my kids. I’ve honestly thought about taking up social media and trying to go viral somehow or being a lifestyle vlogger or something, lol. I genuinely have never enjoyed any job I’ve had, but having kids has just made my motivation to work tank even more. But alas, we need my income. It sucks.
@liz555 Just want to make it very clear that being a successful lifestyle vlogger is a full time job, and generally one that requires a significant amount of lies and manipulation of reality. It's not something to aspire to...
@pheadablessed And it’s completely over saturated with ppl who romanticize it like this. Don’t do it OP. It’s very very hard and you need to essentially learn social media film making and marketing. Those are both full time jobs with no delineation of hours bc you could always work more to get better and more popular.
@pheadablessed Not to hijack the thread with something that might seem completely unrelated, BUT…same with successful OnlyFans accounts. A lot of people joke about “just quitting my job and selling feet pictures,” but that’s also way more work than I want to do 🤣
@pheadablessed 100%. I would frame it this way: OP is in sales right now, selling the products her company makes, likely with the support of a team to handle marketing, ops, logistics, pricing, etc, to clients who would derive value from the product. As a social media influencer, she and/or her own kids would be the product, in a grossly over-saturated market, with little to no differentiation from all the other "products", offering little value to the "buyers", and trying to play the numbers game without the support of a team. Yes the scale is much smaller and some aspects are simpler than selling a physical product, but other aspects are magnitudes more difficult.
@liz555 I had this conversation with my friends over the weekend, who are all full time working moms. I told them if it wasn’t for finances, I’d stay at home. Trying to hold mental space for my job and my kids is virtually impossible. I just can’t do both. I hate having to adjust my entire day when a kid is sick, working through the pain when I’m sick (I work from home), and basically be a slave to my inbox. I just don’t enjoy it that much. I don’t think getting a new job/career would matter at this point, and my kids are too sick too often to take the risk of starting something new. My life is just not about my job right now, and I’m hoping it’s a chapter.

My girlfriends like working, but they both have stay at home dads. My husband works fill time, as well, so our lifestyles are different then my friends.
@kaleidoscopeheart About one week out of the month, I feel like things are good. Everyone is healthy. Work is not on fire. The house is moderately clean. I feel like things are under control and I don’t mind being a working mom.

But everything hangs in such a delicate balance and all it takes is one thing to send me into a spiral.

Kid sick. Terrible traffic so I get home late and the evening routine is screwed up. Have to go in on my remote day (which is when I do laundry, so laundry piles up). Someone on my team calls out and I have to pick up slack and am mentally exhausted when I get home. Or one of a thousand other little things. And then I feel like I’m barely holding it all together and I resent having to work.
@kaleidoscopeheart I mean given the opportunity (financial freedom) is there anyone who would rather work a 40 hr/week job? Man or woman? With or without children?

I find the premise a little odd. Of course no one would work if they didnt have to. What does it have to do with being a mom/working mom
@worshipgod There are plenty of people that genuinely enjoy their jobs and wouldn’t just quit if they had the freedom. For some people it gives them a purpose. Why do you think billionaires like Taylor Swift still work? She definitely does not NEED to go on world tours or work endless hours in a studio still releasing music. She loves what she does. And I guarantee you she's working more than 40 hours a week.

Even when my dad retired it took him a few months to find his footing all the sudden having no responsibilities other than household chores.

I personally much prefer my job to the idea of being a SAHM. Just not for me.
@worshipgod Yeah, I enjoy working. I enjoy developing professionally. Even when I retire, I will probably still work PT because I simply enjoy the development and push that comes with working. I like being able to bounce ideas off colleagues, I like the women's' ERGs I am in, I love the stretch my mind gets from creatively solving problems. I don't have to work now, we could get by on either mine or my husband's income. But we both like working.
@worshipgod I have met plenty of people that I think genuinely enjoy working and enjoy their career. I have Mom friends that absolutely love their career and they derive great personal satisfaction from it. Given the option, if money weren’t an issue, I really think they would still choose to work.

I did not hate working before I had kids as much as I do now. kids are stressful anyway and adding work into the mix Just makes everything a little bit more stressful for me. My job is more flexible than my husband’s so anytime a kid is sick, I’m the one having to rearrange my day so I can take them to the doctor or figure out how to get a few things done while they’re at home. That’s circumstantial for me personally, but it makes me resent that I have to do so much rearranging around my job. And makes me wish I did not have to worry about the job element at all.

Now to your point kids might not have anything to do with it. I don’t necessarily see myself as a super career oriented person anyway, kids or no kids. But since having kids, my brain just doesn’t give a shit about the job.
@worshipgod Agreed this is what I was thinking too. While there are plenty of things I would work on if I didn’t need to worry about finances, the whole desire of everyone I would think is to have a choice over how you spend your time. This has NOTHING to do with being a mom or working mom but everything to do with being a human in the world.