Anyone else following the Possums sleep approach?

@youcantsitwithus Hello! Thank you for this very informative thread! I've just started learning more about Possums and have stated to implement it with my 8 mos old. Coming from being highly obsessive about his sleep time, wake windows, length of sleep, this is a breath of fresh air.
I do have a few questions that I was hoping to get some of your advice on. My LO in the last couple days has been getting fussy in the later afternoon. And our days have been quite busy, so I think he has been well stimulated (for example, Yesterday we went to 2 baby classes, then 2 long walks). He was getting fussy during stimulating activities (during our walk) yesterday, and today, he was fussy at a Baby class with lots of ppl and stimulation, right after a nap. Hunger isn't an issue as both time he's been recently fed. I'm trying to figure out then what would be the issue then.
As I have been obsessing about his sleep, I keep thinking that his tired. And also, because he is rubbing his eyes. (although he rubs his eyes a lot, all the time, so it's not a telltale sign) . Or could it be he is overstimulated? He also has incoming teeth so it could be due to that, although I wonder why it seem to always be late afternoon for the fussiness.
Sorry about the long post... Long story short, baby is fussy during stimulating activities, even right after nap, mostly in later afternoon. Is he tired? Overstimulated? Other things bothering him like teething?
Thank you!
@mountainmoversevangelism I think teething throws everything off for sure. And when it comes to that, the question is what's the best way to soothe? A cold teether? Camomile etc. whatever you think. Teething to me felt like ok we have to ride this wave. I was breastfeeding so it was just making that available even just to soothe. Are they waking from the nap in a pleasant mood or kinda cranky? Offering more sleep works too or maybe just lay down with them when they wake up and see if they'd rather cuddle and snooze a bit more - it's a lot of experimenting and tuning in more and more to how they communicate. Apologies if this won't work in your day-to-day for whatever reason, I know being super flex isn't a reality for many. But in any case, they're complex humans they're not the same every day. And when they're teething it's like a sick day like everything is off. Good luck, I hope that helped!
@youcantsitwithus Hi! We have not implemented this approach or CIO but are starting to consider options for our 4 mo. Currently, we struggle with getting her to stay asleep until 730 am. She wakes at 530 to nurse and then really struggles to fall back asleep. Does the Possum approach have anything to address this?
@lt77 Technically, yes. Possoms offers great tips and gentle, science-based advice. Worth looking into for sure as CIO has a lot of downsides on the back end. Nothing is a quick fix, and that's fine because your little one will grow up and be more predictable. I know it's easier said than done but try not to over-stress sleep at this extremely young age.
@singbassman Good question. I don't know if they emphasize it in a way that excludes other types of feeding. I think (from what I remember) it was more like if feeding is well established, and the baby is stimulated with sunshine and new experience (I'm obviously paraphrasing here) the natural sleep cycles will be able to do their thing. Hope it's going well for you!
@youcantsitwithus Thank you. We're currently loosely following Possums and it's definitely improved our daytime experience so far, but we're not seeing any improvement at night. Trying to decide whether to change tack or ride it out!
@worshiplady3 Mine does too! I let him sleep until we get to where we need to go then I pick him up gently and hold him and 9 out of 10 times he take a couple minutes to fully wake up and then he's back at it with no issues. Very infrequently he'll stay asleep (that's usually if he's suuuuper tired or sick or about to get sick) so I'll put him down on the couch or maybe let him sleep a few more minutes in the car. Otherwise even a short nap can be helpful for their day. If you know your little one is not super tired then let them nod off and then wake them when you get to where you're going. Good luck!