@rgalloza I want to preface by reminding you that your son is SO young. Technically still in what’s called the fourth trimester, so it’s very very developmentally normal (and healthy!) for him to sleep better, and more soundly when he’s near/on his mother (and you!). Her body regulates his breathing, temperature and heart rate. He feels safe, and therefore is able to sleep longer.
Regarding the sleep cues, every child is unique and again your son is still so young. You will learn to decipher his baby language in due time. I remember being VERY obsessed with sleep philosophies, tips, tricks, what’s “normal” etc. (this is how I found possums, I was doing google deep dives every night!!) and if I could go back in time, I would tell myself to take a deep breath and trust my baby. He will fall into a rhythm (you’ll see one emerge by around 6 months and really even out by 1 year). When it comes to reading your child’s cues, Possums is suggesting that you learn to decipher when your child needs more/different mental stimulation vs needs a nap.
We managed naps in those early months by baby wearing, co-napping, etc. He would also nap in the stroller on walks. Remember that this time is so fleeting, he will begin sleeping better as he grows, it is a natural part of his development. There are a lot of approaches (not encouraged in this sub) that offer ways to train your child to sleep without you. We preferred a more holistic approach, that was backed by the science of sleep and the nature of human development. We know he will eventually sleep through the night without needing to be so close. We are enjoying the cuddles and closeness while we have it.
Regarding sunshine, I think choosing a wake up time that works for your family and sticking to it is the core principle. Definitely try to get your baby into some natural light (near a window or outside for 15 or 20 minutes) as early as you can. And regarding a swaddle, it wholly depends on your child. My son wasn’t a fan, but a friend’s daughter absolutely loved it. See what works for you!
Just want to reiterate that your baby is so teeny tiny!! Trust that things will even out as he grows older, and I hope you are afforded every opportunity to go with the flow and adjust as he grows. My son is now 16 months old and very predictable (teething/leaps throw things off for a couple of days, nothing major). We wake at 7:30am, he naps for an hour and a half around 12:30 or 1pm, then bedtime at 8:30pm. He wakes up once or twice a night just to nurse and since we bedshare it's not very disruptive for any of us. We landed on this schedule by observing his natural rhythm and experimenting a bit to optimize (mostly with how much daytime sleep he needed). We still bedshare, and nurse on demand. Hope this was somewhat helpful!!