Anyone able to share successful pregnancies at age 39 + w/o IVF?


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Hi All - hopefully this is the best place to post my question. I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks back in January due to a chromosomal abnormality after we ran some tests, which prompted me to start the IVF journey. We’ve completed one round of IVF and before a FET my husband and I just found out we are 4 weeks pregnant. I’m happy but terrified it will have the same result as my only other natural pregnancy. Anyone had success in later 30s/early 40s with a pregnancy they’d be willing to share?
@lilweezy Im 40, have DOR and tried for 2.5 years. I completed 4 egg retrievals in 2021 for a grand total of 1 embryo in the freezer.

As we were preparing to transfer then move on to donor eggs I fell pregnant naturally. It was terrifying. I was convinced that there was no way it could be successful. And no way it would be cromasomally normal.

I was in total denial and greeted every bit of good news with skepticism. At 20 weeks I was still saying 'IF we have a baby then X'. I guess somewhere along the way I got used to the idea (probably once she started kicking). I'm 38 weeks today.

It's totally possible for a natural pregnancy to be successful. But it's also totally normal for you to be skeptical and protect your heart.

Wishing you every bit of luck.
@lilweezy A friend of mine got pregnant via IUI with donor sperm at 40! She now has a beautiful, healthy, happy 3 year old girl. Also wanted to add that I did go through IVF at 36. Got pregnant with a PGT tested normal embryo and still lost the pregnancy at 9 weeks. Losses happen even with “good eggs” sometimes. Best of luck to you!
@lilweezy Oh I failed to mention I have a beautiful 3 month old baby boy now! My first pregnancy was a loss but my second was a success. I hope for the same for you!
@lilweezy Hi, I had my second at 40. I had 3 miscarriages before having my first at 36. I had one more miscarriage before my second. All pregnancies were spontaneous even though we did 7 medicated cycles that all failed to get me pregnant. Good luck to you!
@lilweezy I'm 38. Did the whole IVF thing to finally get pregnant due to male factor issue. My mom had me, back in the 80s at 40. She had a miscarriage / blighted ovum at 37 and then went on to have me, getting pregnant naturally at 39.

My cousin's mom had her at 40 and her brother at 43, back in the late 70s/early 80s. It's totally possible. I think we didn't see this as much because people got married much earlier and had their babies young.

Wishing you the best of luck with your IVF pregnancy.
@lilweezy Pregnant w/o interventions at 39 after 12 years of ttc and 3 losses, one the month before the pregnancy. Induced at 37 weeks due to pre-eclampsia, 3 days of labor, baby had no issues except for undiagnosed ABO blood incompatibility (because of various dumbasses at the hospital, not my age). She's 5 years old now and still my perfect kid :)

I had multiple fertility workups, but they couldn't find anything specific wrong. Was on clomid for several cycles years ago, but all it did was raise my blood pressure and make my vision blurry; no meds since then.
@lilweezy I’m 39 but right now and still early but my reverence point is my no who had me at 42!

When I had my first, I was just on the tad younger side at my Obs practice (37 at the time). The average age there was 39 and a half.

Good luck! :)
@lilweezy My mom and two other people I know each had us at 40 with (to my knowledge) no fertility interventions, and that was decades ago. It's definitely possible, just less likely than for younger people.
@lilweezy I conceived naturally at 37, now 38 and 37w+2d along. I might be getting a csection due to baby measuring huge and I'm a tiny person meaning if I want another I will need to wait until I'm at least 39 to try again and have the exact same worries - trying for a baby is super stressful in your latest 30s but all we can do is try. My mum had myself & sibling in her late 30s but not without loss so that doesn't help me but she couldn't afford any pre or post natal care so here's hoping inthis modern age we can all have our healthy much wanted kids later in life
@lilweezy So, I haven’t been the mom in this scenario, but I was the baby. My mom had me when she was 41. This was back in the early 80s, so the only test they could give her was an amnio and even that could only tell her that I didn’t have downs. Other than a minor heart defect that hasn’t affected my quality of life I was completely healthy.