Anyone able to share successful pregnancies at age 39 + w/o IVF?

@lilweezy Cautiously sharing… I’ll be 23 weeks tomorrow and everything has been smooth and textbook so far. Both my husband and I are 39, and I’ll be a few weeks shy of 40 by the time I deliver.

I had a missed miscarriage at 7 weeks last year, but I’m thankful we were able to conceive naturally afterwards. It has been extremely nerve wrecking from day one though.

Best of luck! You got this!
@lilweezy I turned 39 yesterday and I'm 27+4 with a perfectly healthy baby. I have a 6 year old and have also had a miscarriage, a TFMR at 21.5 and 3 documented early losses. We didn't use any fertility treatments, just timed trying while charting BBT. I may be facing a pre eclampsia diagnosis but aside from that everything has been normal. It's possible. I never gave up because I felt so much hope from other women sharing their success stories at my age.
@lilweezy Had my little boy at 38 and now 12 weeks pregnant at 40. I have had 3 early miscarriages but my little boy is just perfect and this pregnancy is going well so far 🤞
@lilweezy My mom got pregnant with my baby brother at 39 and had him at 40! There is a 12 year age gap between my two brothers and a 17 year age gap between me and him. She conceived naturally and carried to term despite being told right before conceiving she had so many fibroids and endo issues she should look into a hysterectomy. She did say her doctors tried to scare her a lot about a “geriatric pregnancy” despite having no test results for her or baby coming back abnormal or even slightly concerning.

My brother is now 9 and he very much enjoys being the baby of the ENTIRE family lol
@lilweezy Conceived naturally at 37, didn’t get my cycle back til 40, got pregnant again first try and had mmc, pregnant again on next try and he is now 8 months old!
@lilweezy My youngest sibling was born when my mom was almost 40 and it was a pleasant surprise and unassisted. This was years after they gave up trying and decided against ivf.
That’s so awesome, congratulations to you! Can at ask when you did your first ultrasound and NIPT testing for your current pregnancy?
@lilweezy Had a healthy baby at 37 years old after 4 miscarriages and a major surgery to remove uterine fibroids. Only one of my pregnancies had a chromosomal abnormality. Remember even thought risk increases with age, it’s still rare. Best of luck!
@lilweezy Had my first at 35. Turned 38 last year and had 3 back to back miscarriages last year, one 8w suspected partial molar, two chemicals. Took 6 months to fall pregnant again after the last chemical, I actually had an IVF consult booked when I fell pregnant again. I'm now 32 weeks and 39 years old. I won't count myself out of the woods until babe is safely here, but it's looking promising.
@lilweezy I'm 38, will be 39 in October, husband a few months older. I conceived our 3rd child unassisted at 37 and delivered a boy at term (we lost him the next day due to congenital defect that was found to be a random fluke and not age related).

I just got a faint positive on a pregnancy test now after a few months of trying, again unassisted. Hoping this sticks and becomes a baby I can bring home.

A friend of mine conceived and delivered her first at age 40.