Anybody else have Filshie Clips?

Edit to add that I am a 26 F.

So a few years ago I got pregnant on accident and my life completely changed. I wasn't too crazy on the bio dad's lifestyle (kind of a one night stand thing and he turned out to be a manbaby) so we cut ties and I moved away to raise the baby (lets call her N) on my own with the help of my own family. Things worked out really well (I am SO LUCKY) and now my daughter is 3 and very well adjusted. I always made it crystal clear with my family that N will be an only child. I immediately got a 3 year IUD when she was born and figured when it expired I would "cross that bridge when I got to it"

When N just turned 1 we met my fiance. She calls him "Dad", but we will call him "A".

A never wants kids of his own which in his past was a huge deal breaker with past girlfriends. It worked out really well for me though! So that about catches us up.

Last Monday I got my Filshie clips put in. My doctor told me that it would be an incision below my belly button but it's actually IN my belly button. Immediately after the procedure I began to have the heaviest period of my life. It literally stopped this morning (so 7 days) It's been a week and I can still feel pinches when I bend my torso and it almost feels like I can feel the clips sometimes. I'd love to hear other peoples procedure stories.

Financially speaking, I saved about $1,200 for the procedure (to prepare for any complications or worse case scenarios). My bill was only 48 dollars after insurance. I'm completely dumbfounded by that but hey man I'll take it. So we're thinking about using the remaining money I saved to double down on the only child thing and get my fiance a viscectomy.

Socially speaking, people outside of my family treat me a little weird now. I live in a small town now and there's alot of overly religious people here. They think what I did was unnatural and "against his plan" I shrug that off easily because I am not religious. I don't fit in with the childless group (I don't try to, I understand and respect boundaries) and all of my old friends who were pregnant at the same time I was are on like their 3rd and 4th kids right now and they're whole identity is being mommys. I never related to that. Other kids are just so loud and somehow they're always sticky. N is a quarantine baby so she prefers to be independant.

I just think when it comes to my own life, it is financially unwise to bring another child into the world. It would take resources away from N and I want to be able to give N my %100. I want to give her every possible chance to be the best person she can be and live a happy life. She is by far the coolest person I've ever met and it is a privilege to be in her life.

Edit a few months later because I reread this and realized how toxic and nasty I sound about other kids and people who aren't OAD. I'm so sorry. I made an assumption about a community I am not apart of and in the future I will have a better head on my shoulders
@justseekinganswers I LOLed about other kids being loud and sticky! I’m pregnant with my first and only right now and I’m gonna do whatever I can to make sure she’s not loud and sticky.
It’s so weird and disrespectful that people have so many opinions about our choices when it comes to our own bodies! I just joined this sub and it’s been really refreshing.
@perdedoras Having worked at a toy store my pet peeve is sticky and loud children. The other day one of my ex-coworkers from said toy store visited me for brunch and she said my baby girl is the cleanest least sticky baby she’s ever met. I was over the moon that’s the best compliment I could get. We’re working on the loud part but she’s a year old, I think she’ll get the hang of it sooner or later lol.
@perdedoras My one and only is a Virgo. He is clean. Hates mess and slime. Loves to clean and organize. He’s 4 and is rarely sticky. He loves baby wipes and baths. I think I got lucky
@katrina2017 Oh I will. I’m a teacher so I’m pretty familiar with kids being kids. My kid is not going to be out of control in public though! There are some kids in my family that are like that in public and it’s awful for the parents and everyone involved.
@perdedoras Trust me... being a teacher and being a mom are not the same thing. My child is an angel at school and often a tiny terrorist at home. Every child acts out, yours will, too, at some point.
@justseekinganswers I've never heard of filshie clips. Gonna have to Google this...

My daughter is 10 years old and the sticky mess she creates really surprises me. Ice cream? All over the face. Candy? Sticky hands. Slime? Nooo!

My husband has a vasectomy consultation next week. He has no bio kids and my daughter is my one and only. I have been on and off birth control since I was 19 and had the nexplanon for 3 years and removed last year. At 35, I'd like my body back to normal so my husband said he would look into a vasectomy and the consult is finally approaching (the VA made him wait because of covid).