Any thoughts on a 7a-3p work schedule?

@berthaintan Yes, that extra day to run errands, get in long workouts and get stuff done around the house IS really nice. I just feel it turns us in to a bit of a drill Sargents in the evenings trying to coordinate dinner, activities, bedtime, etc. in the compressed time. Your schedule would probably be perfect if I was fully remote and we had bus service but the school is fairly close to us so round trip is usually
@tlee43 Thanks for your reply. Do you struggle at all with leaving the house before the kids are awake for the day or is everyone used to it?
@yesnice Everyone is used to it. I’ve worked this schedule for many years. My husband has the morning routine down and gets nice one on one time with them in the morning. I get my time in the afternoon.
@yesnice I have done this. It meant getting up VERY early and I almost never was able to leave at three, so I ended up doing more overtime than I did working 9-5.
@yesnice Do you have time zone differences with anyone you work with? I work 7–3 but I manage a team on the East Coast and I’m on the West Coast and it’s really no big.

I can’t imagine if it was reversed, and I worked those hours and managed a team on the west coast living on the east coast.

My gut for you though is just try to make the schedule change. It will be a shift, but just communicate it clearly. I always love when someone has their hours in their email signature if they are different from mine. That way I’m aware when they aren’t going to respond.

Seems like a great move in general. Best of luck!
@aspiringchristian105 Thanks for your thoughts and encouragement. We are pretty much all on the same time zone within my time. With you working 7-3, is a lunch or any breaks implied or do people generally power through lunch? Or is your company happy with 7-3 and a bit of lunch being a full day?
@yesnice I work in tech leadership at a media company, so my job is very laid back. I do take a lunch break and I even have the luxury of running an errand occasionally. About twice a month I need to catch up on work outside of those times.

If you are in a very scheduled back to back meeting culture. Or a “respond to me with in two hours” culture. Be aware you will most likely face some resistance. But that resistance isn’t an indication that you’re doing the wrong thing, or not a good employee. The resistance is that you’re trying something different and people don’t like change.

You are allowed to try it differently. The old school boys club might not like it, but it’s not about them. You will change the culture for the moms at your work place and you will get closer to the work life balance you want. Worth ruffling some feathers IMO.
@yesnice Yup, I used to do the exact same thing when I had to work in the office. 7-3 every day, and I didn’t participate in the “work four 9hr days and get a half day every Friday” scheme, because it was more important for me to start my grueling commute at 3 to get home a little earlier.

Now that I’m pretty much full time WFH, my day is 6am to 3:30, and I get to take the half day on Friday, which is extra nice to start at 6am, because then it’s over by 10 and I have almost the whole day off.
@smithers Thanks for that. Yes the hybrid schedule complicates it. I’d be cool with starting at 6:00 but don’t want to not see my kids on the office days. Somehow leaves me a bit sad when I need to be out without saying good morning, etc.
@yesnice I work 730-4 and would work earlier but between showering and dropping off the baby I’m already up at 445am and I cannot wake earlier. Once the kids are in school I’m definitely working earlier
@yesnice I work 6-2/3 on an every other Friday off schedule. I put my work hours in my email signature as a gentle reminder to folks that I don't return emails at 5pm.

My spouse handles morning drop off and I handle afternoon activities. Our kids school is across from my husband's office and a 24 min round trip drive for me from the house. Makes it easier to schedule life, have appointments, get groceries etc...I like having all the time in the afternoons but it is long/early days and I'm pretty tired at the end of the week.
@sophiang Thank you for your reply. Do both you and the kids do fine with not seeing each other in the morning?

I am generally a morning person but there are also lunches to pack, old cat and dog to deal with and all that in the morning. I also like to get my workout in before work. But then I go to bed so early and feel like there is no time to spend with my husband…kids go to bed about 8:30 or 9:00 which is when I’m ready too! Lots to consider…

Do you have the option to go without the 9/80? Is the extra day worth it to you even though each day is long? I keep wrestling with it myself.
@yesnice My daughter is older now and is very close to her dad so she could care less if she sees me in the morning 🤣.

I've delegated most of the morning routine stuff. On Sundays my daughter (10) makes sandwiches. She's responsible for packing her lunches every morning, which is mostly just grab and throw in lunch bag. If she doesn't do it then she suffers the consequences of school lunch. I've changed the morning chores to late evening. Animal feeding/meds is before bed.

Over the years I've gone on and off the 9/80 schedule. I like having the option to do something for myself on a Friday, even if it's just sit in a coffee shop for a bit, go for a long walk, etc.
@sophiang Thanks for the reply. My 8 year old is just beginning to get embarrassed of my goodbye affections but my 6 year old is still obsessed with me (enjoying it while it lasts 😆).

As they are getting older, I am trying to get them more independent with packing lunches, etc. I think before I went overboard because I knew they’d be at school until 5:00. Things might be simpler if I know they’ll be picked up at 3:00 and get a snack at home. Also, the earlier I’m home, I’m hoping the more time I have to teach them these sorts of things with the patience that extra time before bed might allow
@yesnice It's tough, especially if you are super type A, not to just take over and be the task master. Mine has done her own laundry and lunches since about age 7. I've had to constantly remind myself it's not the end of the world if she doesn't separate laundry or pick the right cycle. She folds and stuffs her clothes in her drawers like a rabid racoon, but oh well. I can control nutrition with afternoon snacks and dinner and that just has to be good enough. As long as I'm not keeping absolute garbage food in the house, if she has 3 granola bars a day, that's just not something I'm willing to stress about.
@yesnice I leave at 4:30 every day and have for a year and half since kiddo started daycare, working a 90% schedule. It works for me, to a degree. My coworkers and company are respectful of when I need to leave, but it stresses me out to know I’m my inbox is piling up for another 2 hours before the last folks typically sign off. I’m always a little behind, and how good I am at pulling my head out of work ebbs and flows.

I think if you are also staring early as well as leaving early, you can arrange meetings especially recurring ones to happen earlier in the day, and you can control yourself from checking in on work in the afternoon, it can work! But it really requires setting that boundary with coworkers and for yourself.
@yesnice I work 7:30 - 3:30 and spouse works 7-3, it's a great schedule for us. You get used to the early mornings pretty quickly, especially because our toddler doesn't let us sleep in during weekends lol. Having extra family time in the afternoon has been amazing.
@yesnice 1) I had a male CFO have a 6am-3pm (in office, precovid) schedule that everyone just had to work with because he made the schedule work for his kids. I don’t know the details but in hindsight this is cool.

2) how is it that an 8 hour day is something like 8am-4pm for you? All the companies I’ve been with considers an 8 hour day as 8-5, with an hour lunch. Even if I don’t take the lunch hour, no one leaves at 4 so feels weird to take off. Although I’d like to for similar reasons to you! I am jealous!