Any thoughts on a 7a-3p work schedule?

@lehan Our office generally considers this too…7a -3p would imply I am not taking a lunch break and am just eating at my desk and always available. It would be an adjustment because I do sometimes like to take a bit of time away to eat or run a quick errand. Most people are on the 9/80 schedule so it’s a 9-hr day but that would be a schedule like 7:30-5:30 with an hour lunch implied. I also don’t those with a “9-5” schedule being a 40-hr week and have also been jealous!
@yesnice I worked these hours at a previous job when I was commuting into the city. It was a dream! I'm in a corporate environment, and it was rarely an issue.

It was before kids so I can't comment on that factor, but it sounds like you and your partner have a great plan for dropoff/pickup. Especially since you have after school care, if needed. I'd go for it!
@intelligentthinking Thanks for your reply and encouragement, lunacait!

Did this include an official lunch break or was it not that big of a deal if your lunch time subtracted from your 8 hr/day hours? I know I’m making kind of a big deal about this but guess I am just a bit worried about optics because everyone else tends to work quite long hours (40+) but I rarely do unless it’s a crunch-time scenario…