Annoying comments about my son being small

@ruminator My first is a giant, my second has a HUGE head and tiny body, my third I’m patiently waiting, forever hopefully, for any comments. People just have to comment. And compare. I’m sure both come with their challenges, but I’d rather have a baby I can lift up or cry for long periods of time. My first was difficult to do both with after the first year. And diapers were a nightmare when he wore size sevens at 2 and didn’t want to do anything with the potty at 3.5. I know we aren’t here to say these things, but while we’re here!
@pentie2003 Once he gets old enough that it bothers him to be perceived as younger, you can get him a button/hat/t-shirt that says "I'm 3 and I'm a Big Kid!".

He'll think it's super cool, and it takes the edge off strangers assuming he's younger.
@standing4him This is what I use when my in-laws try and compare my oldest to her slightly older twin cousins (who have much taller parents than my daughter). They stopped trying to do it in my presence at least.
@pentie2003 “Someone has to make up the lower part of the growth curve” or “I just make small babies” is what I always say when people comment on my kids. Both have been very small (weight wise).

Honestly people will always have something to say. It’s really annoying. I try to ignore them the best to can and remind myself that as long as the kid is happy and healthy it doesn’t matter how big or small they are.
@pentie2003 I just looked it up. The average size is between 6lbs 9 oz and 7lbs 11oz.

I had a 9lb 14 oz baby. Everywhere we went for the first year in a half was like walking into a roast. Even doctors commented on it. 🤷‍♀️ just let it be water off a ducks back
@tonydee My doctor called my son gigantor. He was born 10 lbs. 1 oz. Every single person that came into my room at the hospital had a comment about his size. Even the people emptying the trash. It got to be really annoying.
@pisteuo My son was 10 lbs 6 oz (he was born at 42 weeks so he had a littleextratime to grow). Mostly I got people either thinking he was older than he really was, or giving me sympathetic looks.

I still get "wow he's a big boy," said to me all the time. He's 26 months but could pass for 36
@tonydee People are always saying my son is big. To be fair, at 18 months he is the height of an average 2 year old, and he is 31 lbs. But my husband is 6’4” and always right there with us when we’re out in public, so idk why it’s a surprise.
@pentie2003 I think in general it's not considered a big baby until over 9lbs. 7-8 is average. Mine was 5lbs and 12 Oz and 2% height. Stayed that way for first three months with everyone asking me if he was premature (he was 37+2) and then suddenly he had huge growth spurts and at 15 months is 91st height and weight. No rolls or fat but like muscular. So now all the comments are boy...he's gonna be a farmer or something

I've struggled with my size my whole life so these comments effect me deeply. I get self conscious about it like do they think I'm under/over feeding him when they comment he is very small or big
@pentie2003 Honestly, lots of times I think people default to comments on kids' size because there's not much else to say about a little barely verbal jellybean. My kid was all size comments until he became an absolute chatterbox (and even now, when he's quiet around new people, it's back to "Isn't he tall! How old is he?").

I would strongly advise against taking it for more than it's worth, which is just aimless (and boring, and potentially offensive as we see here) small talk. Arrive equipped with changes of subject.
@pentie2003 I think people say it not meaning anything negative by it. I’m 4 ft 11 and I’ve heard how small I am constantly in my 32 years of life lol. My son was a small baby too 6 lbs 8 oz at birth and he’s almost 3 not even 30 lbs but he’s tall which he obviously doesn’t get from me lol. The comments about his weight used to bother me bc anyone who picks him up says oh he’s so light and my son has always been a pickier eater and I’d always stress that he wasn’t eating enough but over time I just say ya he’s a skinny one. I think you just need to let it roll off your shoulders honestly. Everyone always has a comment on something
@charismaticace I'm about to be a third time mom and people hardly make comments to me anymore. I think it's a combo of my great resting bitch face and the fact that I just don't give a shit about their opinion and it shows. My oldest is small for his age, but whenever anyone would say something, I'd go "I'm not worried about it." Next topic. Lol

Also if anyone ever gave me a judgey comment about a parenting choice we made, I'd just shrug. Or if they made a big hurrah about how they did it, I'd be like "Yeah, that wouldn't have worked for us." Next topic. 😉
@clh72481 I love the assertiveness in how you phrased those replies, it’s such a simple way to get the point across that their input on your child is not needed or up for discussion. I struggle to with wording things sometimes (like right now haha) but I’m keeping those in the bank for when I have to politely shut people down!