Annoying comments about my son being small


New member
When my oldest was born he was 6lbs 5oz born at 39 weeks and 6 days with an induction that ended up being an emergency c-section because he wasn’t ready to com out and the induction medicine wasn’t agreeing with him.
He turned 2 on the 17th of December, I’ve always gotten from people “how small he is”. Which is pissing me off the older he gets, he gets compared to his cousin who’s 6 months older than him all the time by height. When his cousin was born he was 7lbs and something else ounces almost 8, I don’t remember. But I do remember that he looked like a big man baby when he was a baby(not in a bad way, he was just always big).
I’m just sick of him getting compared to other boys his age or just being told he’s so small. Doesn’t help that his 8 month old brother is about to surpass him with height before he’s 1.
I think my son will be fine, I don’t think he’ll be short forever, also he’s only 2. I’m sure he’ll go through some growth spurt because I’m 5’6 and his dad is 6’0 but even if he is “short” so what?
Any advice to help me ignore the stupid comments or have any good comebacks?
@standing4him This is great! My son had the opposite problem: he’s huge for his age and I get all the stupid ‘oh he’ll be a basketball player’ blah blah blah. I am stealing this phrase. Love it!!
@pisteuo I was 11 lbs. 7 oz. when I was born and my mum and dad got basketballer, volleyball player all the time. Turns out I'm neither but a healthy now 5'9" woman whose height doesn't have a whole lot to do with my life.
@havaianas71 I'm a woman who was 7lbs and some off ozs and I'm taller than you. (But not by much).

You really can't say much about what a baby will grow up to be from their birth weight
@ameliacheyenne Hahhaha right? Like I can’t see that my 14 month old is almost too big for his 18-month clothes?
‘Oh gosh oh gee, thanks for pointing it out’ lol. People just focus on the physical and that’s what causes kids complexes down the road. I wish they’d just be like, ‘aw, look how good he is at sharing’ and just be done with it. 🙃
@ruminator My son was opposite too and I actually had a stranger at one point say “wow! That’s a fat baby!” Just out of nowhere. It’s a struggle no matter what. But now he’s actually a string bean and super skinny. You never know! As long as the doctor says he’s healthy then I would tell other people he is perfect how he is!
@mattgospo So rude! One stranger said “that baby is so fat stuffed like a sausage.” 😤 It sticks with me… I don’t want my baby internalizing these judgements once getting more aware of what people are saying.
@wildernesswanderer The problem I have is that these people think “oh it’s just a baby!! They don’t know what ‘chubby’ means!!” Ok sure but I am the parent and it is my job to advocate for my child. Also the people around me that just had to call my son “chubby” definitely were not the type of people who would be able to break the habit once my son is old enough to understand. There are so many more things to comment about on a baby besides their height/weight.