Am I overreacting?

@kkemerait to my knowledge, my ex husband’s current partner told my daughter she could throw the water bottle for the dog (something they allow him to chew on), & instead of going after the water bottle she threw, he growled/barked & attacked her.
my son who witnessed the event said the dog ignored the bottle & went after my daughter instead.
@praisethelordjesuschrist His partner definitely made a dumb decision. Yes you definitely should keep your kid away at least till you can verify that he is providing a safe environment for her. A child's safety should always be top priority for both parents. At the very least he needs to keep the dog in a cage in his bedroom with the door closed when he has his daughter and have the dog professionally trained.
@praisethelordjesuschrist I love love love dogs. Pitbulls can be great dogs too BUT if ANY dog attacked anyone under my care/ownership....DOG would definitely be put down. You are not over reacting. Is he thinking about how your daughter may feel if she were to be back with that dog? No go for me. I'm so sorry this happened to your daughter.
@praisethelordjesuschrist No you are not over reacting. I would do the same thing. I also have full physical custody of my children (8,6), and their father has every other weekend as well. What I was told is, IF he is not showing up to pick them up. He is the one that isn’t following through on the order. Even if you said “this is what I want before you have them again due to safety concerns” you aren’t technically denying him because he isn’t showing up to get them. If he shows up and you don’t allow them to go then you are withholding visitation. But by him not showing up he is not following through on his part and you can’t get in trouble.