A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

@snowtrekker I’m proud of you. Labor sucks. I’m a former labor and delivery nurse and I was beyond thrilled when my son was breech and I could ask for a C-section 😅 All the power to the natural mamas but I do feel that we put too much emphasis on natural labor when modern medicine has literally decreased our chances of us or our babies dying during child birth. I’ve seen moms refuse an epidural until their body has literally given up and their babies have nothing left to give and then they need a Stat C-section. The epidural allows your body to relax, your baby to ALSO get a break at times and it can help your cervix dilate. I’m proud of you for speaking out and I’m also proud of you for initially trying for unmedicated birth. Things happen fast and you never know how your birth story is going to turn out. Congrats, mom!
@snowtrekker My first labour and delivery was tough. I wanted to go unmedicated at the birthing suite so badly, and labour came on so hard and so fast. I was essentially delirious. I laboured unmedicated for 15 hours before my cervix started swelling closed, and I required a transfer to hospital to have an epidural placed. It was the hardest day. Ever. But my god, that epidural saved me. I'm convinced I would have ended up with an emergency cesarean without it. Instead, I took a three hour nap, and pushed my babe out in an hour with no further interventions. I DID get my unmedicated birth with my second - girlfriend shot out of me like a rocket!
@snowtrekker Oh when you're told you're 1 cm.. it's so discouraging! I laboured 24 hours after my water broke and at that point I was only 1 cm. It was so disappointing but my midwife was so optimistic about it. She said I shouldn't be discouraged and this is still good progress. It also meant that I could stay home for birth which was my plan. If it wasn't dilated 1 cm by 24 hours I had to go to hospital. 8 hours later baby was born. I didn't experience that much pain but the extreme pressure in my body so beside being exhausted from the long labour it was a good birth. I can't imagine going on with that much pain for so long. If for my next birth I feel the pain is too much I will also go to the hospital
@snowtrekker I had back labor with my daughter and it was terrible. I didn't stop feeling it until I had a second epidural put in. For me the fire ran all through my spine and I had the spikes in the hips sensation as well. Fucking terrible.

No shame in getting the drugs. Why bother going through all that horrific back pain when you can have a little bliss in an already traumatic experience.

Congrats on your LO!
@snowtrekker I could have written this! Except you were smart and got the epidural earlier. I went into labor at 1am, water broke and contractions immediately started but didn’t get the epidural til 8pm that night, the whole time I had only dilated 2 cm! It also took the anesthesiologist FOREVER and it was nearly impossible to stay still thru the contractions. I ended up needing pitocin too. Modern medicine is wonderful
@snowtrekker I had back labor and I was shocked by the fact that I never felt a break between contractions. I elected for an epidural SO MUCH EARLIER than I had planned. Our bodies are all different!
@snowtrekker I had the same experience as a first time mom. 30 hours of unmedicated back labor before I got an epidural. The epidural is amazing! I was actually able to progress and had my baby 8 hours later. Congratulations on your new little one!!!
@snowtrekker This sounds almost identical to my story. I have to say, when things didn’t go as I’d planned and my mental ability to push through the pain didn’t work, epidural is a true godsend.

Glad you have a healthy baby!!
@snowtrekker Yes to this! I also had back labor and the pain was like nothing I could have possible imagined. Sitting still for the epidural (which I waited too long to ask for because I also had some dream that I could get through without medication) was the hardest thing I think I’ve ever done. Bless anesthesia and epidurals. Modern medicine saved my sanity and probably my life and definitely my daughter’s.
@snowtrekker I have some back and spine issues, many injections in my back, nerves burned etc. It took 5 times to get my epidural in and only one side "took." I'm absolutely petrified to have another epidural but that's what the surgeon wants to do for my next surgery. Can anyone give me any ideas as to what I can do to ease my mind? I'm a wreck just thinking about it.
@snowtrekker I spent months with my husband researching and planning and creating our birth plan, I felt so confident about it and ready for labour.

At 10 days overdue with no labour in sight we came in to prepare for an induction and they realised she was breech and her head was stuck under my ribs.

(I'm pretty pissed they didn't realise it in the last 3 appointments I had throughout the month)

So they booked me for a c section for the next day and every single plan I had went right out the window !

I sobbed so hard when the doctor told me, of course it wasn't like the pain you felt but I'd never had surgery or anything before and I was absolutely terrified. I'd planned for so many situations but ny pregnancy was so healthy that i never thought to prepare for a c section.

I don't regret planning and preparing the way I did but it was very humbling and definitely a learning experience.