8 week old sleep expectations

@coffeefiend I know you posted this a long time ago but I’m cracking up here desperate to also replicate the one time my daughter did a 7 hour stretch. She’s 8 weeks and seems to be sleeping worse this last week than she was previously.
@coffeefiend Try not compare your baby to others. My best advice is 1) follow your babies cues and 2) at bed time come up with a routine.
For us we usually go up to her room around 8p. Have 30 mins of tummy time & learning (this gets her mentally abs physically tired) bath time, bed time pamper (jammies, lotion with massage, brush hair) read books while BF & bed. She’s been sleeping 10-12 hours since 3-4 weeks old. She’s now 14 weeks.

For naps I just follow cues. I know she’ll usually sleep within a certain time frame & watch for her to tell me she’s ready to eat & sleep.
@coffeefiend The bedtime routine is good, but it doesn't really matter until the baby is older. These con artists online, acting like reading a book will make a newborn sleep 8 hours, are just a bunch of liars. Searching about baby sleep is so frustrating and confusing. I recommend to block and unfollow all those sleep scammers on Instagram.

Just do what works and forget about the "rules." Those rules are written by frauds who are trying to sell you their $300 course. You can listen to me instead because I have the exact same qualifications as them, which is none 🤣
@jnapalo I think reading stories does a few things. They hear your voice and helps sooth them to sleep, was they get older you can show them the different pictures and make it interactive and overall I think it’s a nice bonding experience.

Idk what con artist people you’re talking about or seen but reading/talking to your baby will help them with their language skills once they start to talk amongst other things :)

To each their own! Just sharing my opinion
@beauryan Oh wow! Wait 10-12 hours no wake ups? My son is 8 weeks and we’re lucky if we get one stretch of maybe 5 hours and then maybe get 3 hours straight after that feeding. We do feeding, bath/lotion.. quiet/dark room with soft music (we also take turns sleeping in his room with him in the bassinet and us on a rollaway bed). I’ll keep waking up though since he’s so noisy and will fuss and I can’t tell if he’s awake or not sometimes. 👀 maybe we would all sleep better if we weren’t in the same room but I know you’re supposed to until they’re at least 6 months. I love my baby but man the last 8 weeks have seemed like a lifetime with running on constant broken sleep and early morning wake up times. I search the internet to hopefully find it’s not unusual to still feel like I’m flailing at caring for an infant and barely keeping my head above water! Physically and mentally I still have a lot of healing to do. I didn’t think of how hard it would be to heal my body while running on fumes mentally.
@dancingduck117 The number one thing to do is not compare your self/babies to others. Everyone is different and what works for someone might not work for another.
My son who is now 15 weeks old has also slept through the night but since the day he was born! I set alarms the first few weeks to feed and change him during the night but after seeing his doctor for 2 month check up she told us we didn’t have to wake to feed anymore. If he was hungry he would wake us.
There are definitely times I think he might be awake or waking up but it’s just active sleep.
The first few weeks can definitely be a blur. It’s hard. You’re tired and learning.

My advice: fine a routine that works and stick to it. Your newborn is still super young. 5 hours straight is pretty good! And sadly now that you’re a parent I don’t think you’ll ever get a full night sleep.
@coffeefiend Kind of late here but ours just turned 8 weeks on Sunday. From what I read we are exactly the same. We had one 6 hour sleep which really surprised us but other than that, it has been usually between 3-4.5 hour sleeps. So usual schedule for us is sleep from 930/10-1ish, feed, then sleep 3-4.5 hours, feed, then usually wake up between 7/8.
-4.5 hour
@coffeefiend I could have written this post exactly this week. Lol.

Some nights are good, some bad.

What i realized is if i don't rush and pick her up when she bickers and fusses, she goes back to sleep. Apparently it is active sleep and I was mixing it up with real crying sometimes. Today at 3am she started fussing but instead of picking her up, i went to the bathroom and to kitchen to drink water etc. When i came back to the bedroom she was silently sleeping and she slept till 6am! Honestly at 6am i picked her up to feed regardless of maybe it being still the active sleep. Because i didn't want to lay next to her and not being able to fall asleep because she fusses and makes me think she is about to wake up.

You are right about it being related to how much she eats. Yesterday evening she did a huge long feeding but the day before she fell asleep after 2 minutes on the boob and i couldn't make her take it back. I don't have a formula for this unfortunately:(
@coffeefiend Ours is 7 weeks and is the same as yours. I’m just not comparing anything to other babies because I’d drive myself crazy doing it. Unless something is severely off, I’d just not pay attention to it.
@coffeefiend My LO is 8 weeks and usually vastly falls asleep between 9:30 and 10:30. I usually wake her around 11:30 and give her one last bottle for the day. She usually sleeps until about 6:30. Her naps are all over the place though there is no consistency in that.