8 week old sleep expectations

@coffeefiend My newborn is 8 weeks, goes down at 9pm or so and sleeps 7.5 hours. We almost got eight last night!

I didn’t follow any sleep accounts. I read one book on the science of newborn sleep and just followed his cues to sleep and nursed him to sleep because he’s a baby and I figure that’s all he needs to do right now.

I don’t consider myself an expert, probably just very lucky, but I am also autistic and therefore incredibly sensitive to overstimulation and overtiredness, so I know how to manage the environment so neither of us gets too out of sorts. Seems to be working so far, but of course just saying it out loud means he’ll only sleep two hours a night starting next week.
@coffeefiend This is completely normal. Sleep consultants and their success stories probably only account for babies that were naturally good sleepers anyway, I’d take these individual experiences with a grain of salt. Just like you’re not built the same as someone else, same goes for babies, they’re all diff. Your baby’s sleep pattern is very similar to my 8 week old as well, and I think he’s doing fantastic.