6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

@ptimhoff My girl was exactly like this. Newborns are weird. I promise you’re not alone. Do what you can to get them to sleep. There’s no bad habits this early I promise. My daughter slept in a carrier for the first 3 months of her life. I’d strap her on then bounce on my Swisse ball for every single nap. We sleep trained at 16 weeks and she’s slept through since, now almost one. Take the pressure off yourself. Feed them, change them, love them, and however they sleep, let them do it. Sending you love!
@jamesmontgomery I was you one year ago. I honestly thought I’d made a mistake becoming a mum. I cried every night. I was angry every time she woke. I promise you it gets so much easier. You will have your life back, your evenings back, so so soon. Hang in there, minute by minute, day by day. Soon you’ll blink and you’ll be where I am ❤️
@ptimhoff He’s very likely overtired and fighting sleep. I would recommend bringing out all the tools to climb out of this sleep debt and from there be very mindful of wake windows.

If your baby will fall asleep in a car seat, buckle up, go on a walk outside with a carrier, bounce in a dark room with white noise, etc.
@paul500 I can only be mindful of wake windows if he’ll actually fall asleep when he “should”. Which he won’t. Not on me. Not when feeding. Not in the stroller. Not until he’s good and ready which can be hours and hours 🤷🏻‍♀️
@ptimhoff Try starting the nap a smidge earlier. If the wake window is supposed to be an hour, start trying 50min in. Likely, you’re missing his optimal time for sleep. That is much more likely to be the case than your 6 week old naturally needing 3hr wake windows.