6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

@ptimhoff He likely has his day/night cycle reversed. You can try making sure he gets lots of natural light and stimulation during the day and keep things quiet/dim at night. It will get better as his circadian rhythm gets established.

If he won't sleep, maybe try laying with him and quietly singing/playing until he seems sleepy?
@joyfulboy Thanks! We have been working on days/nights for sure. Unfortunately this all happens during the day as well. 😥

The problem is even while cuddling him he doesn’t fall asleep/get sleepy. Just alternates wide awake and screaming.
@wad54fer It’s normal for him to be awake for up to 5-6 hours at a time and not even contact nap? All the advice I see just says “try contact napping!”
@ptimhoff We went through the same exact thing with ours! It peaked at six weeks. Everyone said my baby was overtired but I could NOT get him to fall asleep no matter how much I rocked/nursed etc. It DID get better. I know some people say it was colic, but I wonder if colic is actually a symptom - perhaps something to do with reflux/gastric issues that are normal for newborns.

It got better after six weeks, I know it’s frustrating but I also want to let you know that you aren’t doing anything wrong. I also want to offer you hope: It was around that time I started researching baby sleep and all the things…now my babe is 11 months, let’s me know when it’s time to sleep, no tears, happy baby right on schedule. He’s been this way for a long time! Overnight sleep WILL improve soon, and don’t forget naps don’t even start to become consistent and lengthen until about 5 or six months. The overnight sleep will really help you once it improves.
@ptimhoff I recall one night where he fussed from 7pm to 3am straight. I was going insane. Ended up giving up and leaving him in the crib, thinking mom could take him if he didn't stop. Somehow he fell asleep. It was a miracle.
@ptimhoff Yes. We were dying with ours when he would only sleep 8 hours total in a day around that age, with barely 1 nap during the entire day. Pediatrician just shrugged and said it was fine. And it eventually passed.

What helped us was making sure he was full, baby wearing and changing the scenery (going outside). But it was tough.
@ptimhoff Does it only happen at specific times? It might be his witching hours. My baby would only sleep while latched between 5pm and 9pm every day when he was a newborn. If I tried to unlatch him he would immediately wake up and fuss/cry. It got much better at around 8-10 weeks. I just set myself up in front of the tv with snacks and tried to power through and let him sleep on and off on me.
@jeka03 Nope it’s all the time. And he won’t even sleep on me. I unfortunately can’t leave him latched forever because I have ongoing nipple pain due to his (now corrected) tongue tie. It’s getting better but not to that point.
@ptimhoff I’m sorry that’s so hard! Can you leave him with the non breastfeeding parent/another caregiver to try and work it out without the milk smell confounding things for him? It might be that he smells it on you and that’s all he wants.
@jeka03 I will definitely try that tonight. It doesn’t help that my husband went back to work this week so I was trying to protect his sleep a bit. Weekend now though so he can help more!