8+3 weeks and tell me it gets better


New member
I am so nauseous and can barely eat anything other than crackers and cottage cheese. I had a craving for fruit last week, but this week that sounds awful. I have stopped working out because I can barely tolerate walking up hills let alone running 3 miles or completing an hour long class. Tell me this magical 2nd trimester will let me eat real food again and have more energy. I wanted to be the fit pregnant person completing runs and races and I feel like I have let myself go. I walked around outside yesterday for probably 3-5 miles and I was wiped out and had to take a 2 hour nap. This does get better right??? Or is this my new normal?
@sarahs_ It gets better! I'm 10+3 today and I was in your shoes a few weeks ago. Weeks 6-9 were the worst for me. I managed to make myself lightly exercise - walking around the block, super light dumbbells - and stopped when my body told me no. Ginger chews were a life saver for settling my stomach. I've heard for many it gets better in the weeks 10-12 range, but that's not true for everyone. As the kind ladies in this sub advised me at your stage, just focus on getting through the day. Everything else is icing on the cake.
@onewayjesus I was trying to find ginger chews at the grocery store and I think I have to go to a specialty grocery near me for something like that. I’ve been walking a bit and hopefully my endurance (ha!) will pick up soon. This is crazy for me since I usually bike 30+ miles at least twice a week and run 3 for a warm up. Walking exhausts me. Oh dear.
@sarahs_ It didn't get better for me... Sure maybe nausea dissapears but something else that will make you miserable begins. You will feel fantastic once the baby is out and in your arms.
@lostprodigal Ha! That’s what my mom said but in a not nice way. I was really hoping that once the nausea goes away I’d actually eat which would give me energy. It looks like walking will be my workout for the future. I’m going to be the best walker.
@sarahs_ Yeah I mean I waited for the light at the end of the tunnel but never had a great experience.... You might to who knows, I hope you do! Waking definitely helps or even lifting weights (under 20 pounds) is good because pregnancy definitely gets you out of shape
@sarahs_ Ive been walking since 15 weeks; I tore my hip on a run and now it flares up if I try. I most certainly am a great walker at 28 weeks now, haha! Its actually pretty fun because I can get 2.5 miles in at the dog park. So I am not only the best walker, but the best dog petter.

I like your attitude, I think youre gonna be just fine!
@sarahs_ I ended up with hyperemesis so I was down and out until 28 weeks. Then I was good until 32 weeks and the I developed sciatica. But now baby is out, I’m 12 weeks PP and I feel a ton better. Only up 7 lbs from baby birth.
@sarahs_ First time around, I felt all day nauseous from Weeks 7ish-13th. I found acupuncture to help take the edge off, and I resumed working out at nearly full strength Week 14. It was honestly like a light switch. I went from being unable to keep down the meager food I had managed to eat to feeling capable of eating to actually wanting to eat breakfast within 3 days. I was working out regularly till Week 41.
@sarahs_ It got better for me at around 14 weeks through like week 33. Energy was better, no nausea, lifted weights a few times a week. Between weeks 6-14 maybe 2 workouts a week and lots of naps. Hang in there!
@sarahs_ Drugs made it better for me! Are you on anything? I really wish I had started Unisom and B6 sooner- didn't help much with vomiting but really curbed my terrible nausea!
@nilton65 I take the b6 now and I’ve been on it 4 days. It helped the first day, but not much else. I’m going to add the unisom and see how that goes. I didn’t think it made much of a difference so I stopped it. Maybe there is something about the combo.
@sarahs_ Yes! You need the Unisom, my pharmacist told me that the active anti-nausea ingredient is in that. B6 just helps with absorption. Make sure you get the right kind of Unisom-- it's not the gel version. I want to say it's doxylamine succinate, not the other kind. Start with half a tab and 25 mg of B6 at night. If you don't feel better after a couple days, increase the night dose and then add a day dose until you feel better. Fingers crossed!
@sarahs_ Add the unisom, and give the combo a few days! I felt horrible the first couple days switching from an Rx anti-nausea to the B6+unisom, but it helped eventually. I take it religiously every 5.5 hours while I'm awake, and I notice quickly if I'm late on my dose.

Also, time will help! I'm about 17 weeks now and still throw up sometimes, but about week 14 I started feeling SO much better. I'm not going to pretend I'm at pre-pregnancy energy or anything, but I'm so much better than the first trimester that every single day I notice the absence of being sick and exhausted.