7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)


New member
So, when I was pregnant, I worried constantly about fitness levels, weight gain, and how my body would recover after giving birth. It's not like I was a serious athlete before my pregnancy, but I was running very consistently, rock climbing and preparing for a triathlon. All that changed when I found out I was pregnant last February. I did 2 out of the 4 races I was signed up for (a 15k I did with my husband as a relay in March and an obstacle course run in June. I skipped my olympic distance triathlon I was signed up for in August, and the half marathon I had planned for October)

While I ran for most of my pregnancy, I started to notice changes almost immediately. By 3 or 4 months in, I was already struggling with hip and back pain, and my pace slowed by 2 minutes. By 30 weeks, my usual 5min kilometres had slowed to 8 or 9 minutes, and I had scaled my distance back considerably. At 35 weeks, I finally decided it was no longer a good idea to run. There are lots of people who continue running to the end of their pregnancy, but don't feel guilty for listening to your body and stopping when you feel you need to.

As for rock climbing, I did that right up until a week before I delivered, and I think it was a saving grace. It was relatively safe, I could do it roped in, and it didn't get my heart rate going like running did. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a low impact way to keep your fitness going. (here is a vid at 9 months)
SO, here is what you are all here for: assurances that your fitness will come back after baby.

There is hope! I was so worried that it would take me FOREVER to get my pace back for running, or to even get out there with baby. I stopped running a month before delivering and I struggled a lot with that decision. I dreaded going back and thinking my cardio would be TERRIBLE! After birth, I waited 6 weeks till I got the go-ahead from my doctor to run again, and although I didn't really get back into it until 4 months (when I got the clearance to run with him in the stroller) it went so fast! It took me about 6 weeks to get back to the distance I was running before pregnancy, in fact I ran a half marathon 7 weeks into bringing back long runs. Here are some of the things I learned.
  1. Check to make sure your sneakers aren't dead! I was having some back pain and realized it was because I walked a ton in my sneakers while pregnant that my fitness tracker didn't count....
  2. Cut yourself some slack. Growing a human is soooooooo hard. Your body will not have forgotten what to do at the end, and you will bounce back quickly if you work slowly and diligently.
  3. Take time to stretch and rest. My legs were SOOO tight while pregnant and that has continued afterward. Yoga really helped a lot to ease some of the tightness.
  4. Try not to rush. It was so tempting 2 weeks after giving birth to jump right in. I felt pretty good, and all of a sudden, I didn't have this human being attached to myself. Remember, it's an extra few weeks in a lifetime of fitness.
Time for photos and graphs! I ate all this info up whilst pregnant, and I figured it was only fair to show how I ended up on the other side too. My weight went from 143 to 187 (oooooops) and is now 147 at 7 months PP. I lost 28lb the first week, and have struggled with the last few since then because I am breastfeeding and my body seems to want to hold on to fat, but I am generally very happy with how things have bounced back and feel comfortable in my own skin again.

I can't bring myself to take measurements yet, I know I put SOOOO much on my waist inches-wise and really not a lot on hips and underbust BUT I am fitting back into pre-pregnancy clothes albeit a bit squishilly. My belly has deflated a lot, but there is still a noticeable (to me) bulge there. I think another few months and a few more pounds and it will go away. I have a muffin top on the top/front of my jeans now rather than the sides, but suspect it is mostly my skin hasn't rebounded just yet?

I included pre preg photos, preg photos, PP photos and some of my distance graphs for running and exercise in general.
Please let me know if you have questions about fitness, pregnancy, baby jogging equipment, motherhood in general, or fitting exercise into a busy schedule later on :) Good luck with your pregnancy and fitness journey! You are doing so well!!
@kubipan We ended up with a Thule and we love it. Both hubby and I run (me much more than him) and it works well as both a running stroller, and our regular every day stroller. We were going to go for that one, or the BOB, but chose Thule because it is significantly lighter, more collapsible, and we found a great used one!
@kimberly5150 honestly, that was my biggest fear! I thought my cardio would be absolute crap given that I basically didn't run for 2-3 months, but after a few shaky and uncomfortable weeks, it was fine. I haven't 100% recaptured my pace, but I'm close. I think so much of it has to do with mentality. If you want to be back out and doing stuff, you will!
@joshcorn I also wonder if our pregnant bodies actually get more cardio than we think! Cause I definitely get winded now just walking up the stairs and lifting weights in a way I never did before :) All that extra blood volume to pump!
@malajusted my fitness watch was regularly telling me I was burning 2000-3000 cals a day (regular would have been around 1500). It is definitely hard on your system!
@joshcorn Can I just say it’s refreshing to hear someone say they hated it? I’m struggling even only at 16 weeks. Especially with my lack of ability to push myself like I used to fitness-wise. It’s very frustrating. And I’m TIRED which is not like me. And when I am honest about not loving it, people look at me like I’m psychotic. So thank you!!!
@shaulhatarsi urgh, I LOATHED being pregnant because I never knew what my body was going to do. I kept telling my husband it was like someone handed me a different operating system, and after 30 years of knowing what my body does in regards to exercise, sleep, eating food ect it all of a sudden would do random shit. I kept thinking I could handle something and then would push myself too far by accident (it happened SO much in the third trimester)

It is OK not to love the process, just the result. You do you man, don't let anyone give you grief!
@joshcorn I agree, I felt DEAD after I gave birth, like I had lost all my strength and stamina and was dreading spending a year+ building it back up again, but once I jumped back into exercising I was shocked at how quickly I got up to my pre-pregnancy levels, the only thing that took awhile (and still isn’t where it was) is my core strength, but since I’m planning to have another soon I haven’t been super working on that. And my arms are actually way stronger now because a baby is basically a wriggly weight that you carry all the time and slowly gets heavier 😂
@joshcorn I've always seen so many warnings on climbing. My gym has been closed, but is finally reopening next week. I'll check with my doc, but excited to see you climb!