7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)

@joyseeker16 Bouldering is less safe, but actual roped in climbing is one of the safest thing you can do while pregnant! My gym even had a specific pregnancy harness that you could use for free :)
@joyseeker16 Highly recommend continuing top rope with a maternity harness. It definitely gets a bit wonky at the end, but things change so slowly that you adjust and can still do more than you'd expect. Plus, it's great for keeping your back and hips stretched out and less painful! I did not attempt bouldering past about 20 weeks, but I'm also very clumsy and not known for graceful landings at the best of times. Kudos to you for that OP!
@joelightening I only ever bouldered stuff I knew I could top that didn't go very high (and only then, because I missed it SOO much!) Little did I know that I wouldn't really be able to do it PP either lol, my fingers are going to be garbage when I get back!

Yeah, top rope was the best during, very safe and as you said, you are still able to do a good amount of routes!
@joshcorn Wow you look stunning!! Thank you so much for sharing, you’ve done an amazing job, the care you put into your body is shining through ! :)
@joshcorn Wow. THANK YOU for sharing!!!!!

I’m 27-28weeks + 20 lb/9 kg heavier and, suddenly, my whole body seems.. squishier. Was starting to spin out about getting back to pre-preg body. This was the reality check I needed :)
@joshcorn Thanks for sharing. Did you have any morning sickness the first trimester? I was really hoping to keep up my running but I've been struggling because I feel so crappy all the time. I'm at 7 weeks.
@torah1st2019 YES! So bad! You can actually see it in the graph I posted at the end, that's why my distance sucked so much Jan/Feb/Mar in 2019! It went away like someone flipped a switch when I hit the second trimester though. Do what you have to to make it through the first tri. For me, this was eat ALLL the food/carbs. I think I gained like 15lb the first trimester because I was nauseous every time I was hungry so I just ate constantly. It will get better!
@joshcorn Thank you! It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel sometimes. Funny, I probably haven't been eating enough bc of the nausea. Everybody's different I guess! I'm trying to nibble on stuff more often bc I heard keeping your blood sugar stable can help