6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

@mazince514 I ask only because mine ate every 2 hours during the day and took 1 overnight feed - they are FTT and we only just were given the OK to night wean a month ago (they are 15 months adjusted right now). I totally understand about the force feeding, I absolutely know that babies know their own limits.

Do you feed him in a distraction free environment? Make sure that mealtimes are not so long as to interrupt his milk routine because you know he isn't taking in very much at solid meal times. Are you feeding him until there is a little left in the bottle, so you know he is full at each milk meal?
@mazince514 Following because I'm in the exact same boat. My baby is in the 95th percentile though, so it makes me feel like he is just greedy, but what can I do? Let him scream? So tired.
@mazince514 Share baby’s full schedule and routine.

Does the last feed end half an hour before baby is placed in the crib awake (not rocked to drowsy)?

It’s a schedule issue and a sleep crutch issue, likely.

Don’t offer a feed until 1am.
@kingdomkings “Don’t offer a feed until 1am”… I genuinely need to know, do what instead? I’m having similar issues as OP and it will not only be hysterics if I don’t nurse, she would definitely not sleep. I keep reading about 5/3/3 and do not have any clue how to settle her when she wakes around 10.
@meeble27 Yes there really is no settling without a bottle for us. And I’ll admit, I don’t have it in me in the middle of the night to attempt to soothe a screaming baby when I could just offer a bottle and be back asleep in 10 mins.
@mazince514 I’m with you 100%. I know it’s a bandaid on a bigger issue, but I’m so tired to be facing/thinking about these bigger issues in the middle of the night!
@meeble27 Is it possible to send the non nursing parent in instead? Sometimes it's easier for the non nursing parent to try to settle baby. That's what we have to do for any false starts at night.
@servant15 She’s been a total mama’s girl always and goes into full meltdown mode when dad goes in/comforts. I’m the only one who can put her down too. We still try all the time. It’s rough!
@kingdomkings Still on 3 naps - 2/2.5/2.5/3

Admittedly the last feed is only ending about 10 mins before placed in bed. We went from bath, bottle, bed to bath, bottle, books, bed. We do sit in the rocking chair for books, but I wouldn’t say he’s rocked to drowsy. I put him in crib awake and walk out of the room. It took us a long time to get there because we used to feed and rock to sleep and then put him in the crib.

Would you think doing that 10p feed could still be useful and then stop doing the 1a feed and not offer again until 4a? How do I not offer? Let baby scream? Im not against that but it’s so tough because we live in a row home and share walls with two sets of neighbors (who dont have kids). I know every baby is different, but how long do you think it might take to break this sleep association? Is there any chance he’ll “grow out of it”?
@mazince514 The last feed may be too close to bed still. You can try rocking to extend time between feeds, as you're needing to reset his circadian rhythm which is preparing his body to eat at that time.