6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

@cindyfernandez Actually, I’m going to try 2 naps today. We’ve been skipping that last one so often anyway because it’s hard to get- so let’s see how this goes. Thank you for the advice!
@cindyfernandez I have wondered that too, the only issue is her first ww of the day she definitely gets cranky if we even push it ever to 2.5 🤔 the last feeds been 30 minutes before bed for a couple weeks now. Although I only realized maybe 5 days ago that it should finish 30 min before, so I‘ve done that since. There’s definitely a solid separation though!
@meeble27 are you both me?? my 7 month old still wakes for feeds, on good nights only twice. i’m trying the no milk before 12 and usually they wake around 2:30 and 4:30 for feeds. guess we need to stick it out!
@meeble27 So once you've sleep trained (however method, there are different styles to suit different people) you can pause for 5-10 minutes to see if baby settles. Then try shushing, patting, rocking, and if all else fails, boob.
@mazince514 Honestly, you probably don’t want to hear this because I didn’t want to hear it either, but my son was in a weight percentile below five for almost the first year and when we tried night weaning like you we had the same experience of him just waking up again. We tried everything we could find or think of and eventually just gave in a dealt with it. A few months later he just started sleeping through the night. The pediatrician said some kids just don’t have the weight to make it through the night and it solves itself as they get bigger.
@chariskay This explains a lot! We were around 14th percentile and (continue) to have more night wakes than (what feels like) everyone else’s baby even now that we eventually moved up a bit.
@chariskay I have a 60th percentile baby and she still won’t sleep. 😂 I’ve tried weaning so many times by cutting down the time nursing but she just wakes up an hour later hungry again. It doesn’t “eliminate” the feeding At the time I’m cutting down.
@kathypdoe I found I had to cut down half minutes- one minute a week, but 30s at the start of the week and building to a minute, otherwise she'd wake up an hour or so later saying "excuse me I want a refund"
@chariskay I have a 60th percentile baby and she still won’t sleep. 😂 I’ve tried weaning so many times by cutting down the time nursing but she just wakes up an hour later hungry again. It doesn’t “eliminate” the feeding At the time I’m cutting down.
@chariskay I have a 10th percentile baby and have had a similar experience. We got short period without night wakeups when he was 7-8 months old, but now that he’s mobile, he’s waking up for one night feed again.
@chariskay My doctor said this too! I am on my second 10th percentile baby. I’m not even training him until he’s double birthweight.

I can’t remember exactly with my first but I think he was like 9-10 months at least before he didn’t wake up. It was whenever he was basically off milk completely and getting everything from real food.
@chariskay This is actually reassuring! No part of me wants to withhold food if he’s hungry. How old was your baby when he reduced his night feeds? Slept through the night?
@mazince514 I don’t remember exactly when he started reducing how often he woke up because I feel like it was gradual and mostly tired to weight gain, but he started regularly sleeping through the night at about a year. If I remember correctly, getting to introduce real food and giving him milk at every meal during the day helped a ton.

I’m kicking myself because my neighbor said hers didn’t sleep through until 15 months and I went “oh that won’t be me!” Lesson learned…
@lostandinsecure We started solids but BLW so he’s not actually getting much. We started making sure his bottles were nice and warm during the day (previously chilled or with the chill taken off) and more room temp bottles at night (less appetizing?). I mean I can’t force feed him but we offer bottles constantly, always make sure we have one on hand ready to go. Open to any other suggestions!