6.5 month old still wakes 3-4 times to eat

@katrina2017 Or maybe she’s being used as a pacifier. I suggest pumping once or twice instead of nursing to check if it’s a supply thing or not.
See if baby isn’t swallowing give her a pacifier
@mazince514 My baby girl is also on the 10% and I feel you, but dont stress too much, baby will get there eventually ♥️ my LO did 3 wake ups until 9-10 months. Just keep going, you are doing great!
@mazince514 I would increase the frequency of feedings during the day as well as the volume. 6 oz a bottle at the least, 5-6x during daytime hours. Some babies may need an overnight feed at 6 months still, but 4 seems excessive and would lead me to believe he isn’t getting enough calories during the daytime/has a snacking habit.
@rapaines Currently he gets offered 6, 5 oz bottles a day. He never finishes his morning bottle (presumably because he’s been eating all night) and might leave an ounce or two in another bottle. I’ll try increasing the volume, but I’ve always had a hard time getting him to take more that 4oz at a time. I have a notorious snacker.
@mazince514 The good news: you know your son needs about 40oz of formula in a 24 hour period, so you can work on getting him all or most of those calories during the day. 40oz is within the normal range (my son drinks about that much and is 5months). Here is what I would do:
  1. Offer him a full feed at least every 3.5 hours during the day. That's 5-6 bottles, plus any solids you're offering. Wake him up from naps if needed. You can start this tomorrow.
  2. Offer at least 6oz per daytime bottle, and if he's not having issues with reflux or spitting up, you can slowly increase that to 7oz and then 8oz.
  3. Once you've increased his daytime calories and he's had a good day where he's been able to take in about 40oz during the day, then you can fully night wean. If it were me, I'd pick a weekend and just sleep train with whatever method feels right to you.
@maxgraham That’s good to know because if you google, it says a baby should get between 24-32 oz a day. So when he was up at 40, it seemed like so much! Currently he’s getting 6, 5 oz bottles during the day and usually leaves a little. I go tend to offer a bottle every time he fusses during the day (have always been concerned with his percentile), but maybe I really need to get him on a set schedule. Maybe the key to getting him to take more is actually having the bottles spaced a little more.
@mazince514 Yes, we don’t have a set schedule and feed “on demand”, but we follow a routine (eat, play, sleep) so we generally know when he’s hungry vs just tired or fussy. Your babe should be able to go at least 2 hours between full feeds
@mazince514 Def wouldn’t hurt to try a faster flow! The suggestions for ages of each nipple flow is just that, a generalized suggestion, it’s not a hard or fast rule you have to follow. I’ve had babies use a fast flow at 4mos so it all depends on the baby! At 6.5mos I’m confident they will do good with a fast flow now ☺️
@mazince514 I have a 6 month old and same. I think she’s transitioning from 3-2 naps as well so some nights she wakes 3 times for feed and goes back down easily, other nights we get two feeds between bedtime and 4-ish and then she’d start waking up every 45 minutes 🥲 I’m trying to stretch her wake windows but she can’t do 3/3/4 yet.

Good on you for having an independent napper. Mine will fight tooth and nail. She has eczema too and would scratch herself awake. Can’t wait until that calms down to see if her sleep improves.
@dalegm We JUST got to independent naps. He’s contact napped up until about 2 weeks ago. When I read PLS, I realized I really need to get this baby to go to sleep on his own. She says that fixes like 98% of sleep issues.
@mazince514 Are you feeding on demand or a schedule during the day? We feed my son no later than 3 hours during the day. He takes 5 feed between 7-7 and then sleeps for 12 hours because he gets enough during the day
@l43l On demand pretty much but his naps are on a schedule. Even though on demand, it’s very frequent. I think I need to get out of the habit of offering bottles so often and letting him snack and move to a schedule and space out the feeds so he wants to take more at a time. He’s a snacker for sure.
@mazince514 One of my boys has constantly been in the 95th percentile. He was a hungry boy. He would cry bloody murder until he got fed about twice a night. I tried to night ween him at 7 months but it didn't work.

At about 9 months he started to sleep through the night. I would just give it some time. Not all babies follow the normal curve and that's ok. I 100% know how ruff it is to wake up multiple times a night but this shall pass.

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