33 Weeks and Admitted Into L&D


New member
I (28F) am currently 33 weeks pregnant with my first baby. Yesterday I was concerned because I noticed some reduced fetal movement in the morning so I went to L&D. After an ultrasound and a couple hours of monitoring they told me that my daughter and the placenta both look healthy, her movement had also picked up by then so they weren’t concerned about that anymore. But I started having some contractions during my time in L&D and the doctor was concerned with how frequent they appeared to be, so I was hooked up to some IV fluids in case I was dehydrated.
Dehydration wasn’t the cause of the contractions and they ended up admitting me due to their concern that I might be going into labor. I’ve been given some medicine to try to stop my contractions but I’m still having them, just not had frequently. They’ve also given me a shot to help develop my daughter’s lungs in case she’s born in the next couple days. I’ll be here at the hospital at least until this evening for continued medication and monitoring so I don’t have a lot of answers yet.
I’m so scared and anxious about the possibility of my baby being born so early. Is there anyone else that has gone through something similar that might have some reassuring words to help during this scary time?

P.S. I apologize for the grammar and formatting. I’m on my phone and I’ve only slept about 2 hours in the last 24 hours so I’m not functioning at full capacity.
@kittypl Yes, I have cervical incompetence and so with my firstborn I was admitted to L&D 5 separate times. I was dilating by 27weeks so anytime my BH’s picked up in frequency, I was admitted overnight. MFM appts every week for monitoring, talk about stressful!! So, I understand how scary it is. In positive news, despite being 5cm by 32 weeks I never received the shots and made it to full term, 39+4! Healthy baby girl! Sometimes are bodies so funny things and then stop, deciding they’re done being dramatic. I pray the same happens for you ♥️🙏🏽
That’s amazing, I’m so happy that your story had a happy ending! Thank you so much for sharing that and for the kind words!