29 weeks and baby measuring 3 lb 9.5 oz. I'm terrified

@commando95 It’s on the “bigger” end. She really downplayed it whenever we talked about it prior 😂 so I know it isn’t technically a deception but I still teased her back about it. She’s only 5’1, so that’s a big baby to come out of her 😂
@asdf415 That math seems off. And they're giving you a giant range. Hang in there - nobody really knows how big they'll be!

Mine was 5.8 pounds at 32w and they said 9-9.5 pound birth weight.
@asdf415 I came here to say what others are already vocalizing — fetal measurements just aren’t accurate. Truthfully, I don’t know why physicians still rely on this and treat their measurements like they’re gospel. Babies quite often are far off from the projected weight. Not by a few oz. Like…multiple lb.

Also, the fact that you’ve already produced two healthy children in a target weight probably means that’s what you’ll have a third time around. :)
@asdf415 I was told my baby will be easily 9-10 lbs but LO came out measuring 6 lbs 😂 don't rely on their measurements. Remember if your body can grow the baby then your body can give birth to the baby.
@studentinprayer fair enough! it’s always good intent to comfort someone. i just don’t think it’s right to spread misinformation, even under the guise of comfort. because what if this person really can’t vaginally deliver but believes they can because of that phrase and has a birth that may be traumatic for them?
@asdf415 My baby was measuring 4lbs at 32 weeks and that’s 25% percentile and dr said they aren’t concerned until 10 or less. So I think you’re right on track for a baby ranging from 6-8lbs and not a giant baby. I’m getting another growth scan at 36weeks so we shall see.
@asdf415 As others have said after a certain point ( and certainly at the stage you are now) measurements are really just guesses. The measurements are usually accurate within like 3 pounds. That range is huge. My last baby they wouldn't even venture to guess, he was over 8 pounds and everything was fine, no tearing or anything. You have also already done this twice so your body is clearly good at this. Even if the third one is bigger than your other two your body is a miraculous thing that can make it happen without breaking.
@asdf415 My first daughter was 9lb 2 1/2 oz. And I heard that babies only got bigger. With my second I was HUGE and at a growth check scan I was told she was 'off the charts' size wise and that she would be 10lb or bigger at least...only for this 9lb 1oz baby came out and I can honestly say despite her weight she was TINY. (For reference she was in newborn clothes for five months easy 😂) so even if they somehow have got it right this time the weight doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to come out a giant
@blundercreek Both my previous babies came out small but were in 95 percentile for height and weight. My 8 yr old is 5 foot. My 2 year old is in size 6 girls. I don't mind if they are giants after coming out of me... I just don't want to he like my friend that had a baby so big she broke her pelvis in delivery... that is what keeps me up at night. I like my little 7 lb babies they shoot right out. I'm scared what if it's 9 lbs and the head gets stuck lol
@asdf415 Aw I understand the worry my family all had 'large' babies and they all came out chunky as anything 🤦 (with the exception of my youngest who must have gotten it from her dad's side tbh) the thought certainly is scary about a broken pelvis xx I'll admit my first ones head got stuck but that's because the nosy little Madame turned her head sideways just before she started the 'drop' haha doctors just popped it back the right way with forceps and she came right out after 😅 xx fingers crossed for your little one just shoots right out like your others xx
@blundercreek My tiny 7 lbs I was in labor 2 hours only after waterbreaking. My second was born so fast she came out with black eyes.... while I don't want a black eyed baby I'd prefer to avoid a long labor
@asdf415 You have my envy with that 😅 minus the black eye but I get your point lol xx it was faster with my second but still took from 7 in the morning til half four that evening for her to be born 😅 the contractions though had started at eight the night before so 🤷