29 weeks and baby measuring 3 lb 9.5 oz. I'm terrified


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My last two babies were 6 lb 11 oz and 6 lb 15oz. They say with this one being over 3.5 lb at 29 weeks I'm looking at a 9 to 11 lb baby. And just thinking about this terrifies me and makes my vagina hurt. I'm happy she's healthy but hiw am I suppose to squeeze such a big baby out of me without breaking my pelvis

Update: thank you everyone for reassuring me. I wont lie I was crying and making myself sick over the thought of a big baby but yall mentioned good points and even if it is reasons not to worry. Thank you. Especially all the stories of big baby coming out and not wrecking you
@whateverittakes I got told I was going to have a 10lbs baby if I went to 40 weeks. Gave birth at 39 to a 7lbs 10oz baby. I thought with genetic history of my mother and grandma having larger babies it would be the same for me, but NOPE
@janeann28 That’s not teeny for 32 weeks 😅 average weight at 32 weeks is 3lbs 12oz

my girl was measuring 5lbs 6oz at 35 weeks but was actually 4lbs 11oz when she was born (at 35 weeks due to preeclampsia) so measurements definitely aren’t 100% accurate
@janeann28 Mine was 4lbs 2oz at 32w5d so close to where you were at. She was never above the 20th percentile so small but still healthy. I had a c-section at 38w5d and she came out 6lbs 2oz. She is a peanut but not dangerously so - I wouldn’t worry too much.
@sheamusofcountycork At 36 weeks, they said my son was 7 lbs 8oz, so by 38 weeks, he should’ve been at least 9 lbs. He was born 38w6d, and he only weighed 6lbs 2oz as well. I know there’s no way in hell he LOST weight while in the womb, lol.
@asdf415 My first child was 9lb 15oz at 41w and second was 10lbs at 39w. Both delivered vaginally. Didn't even tear the second time and pushed for 20 min. You got this!!
@asdf415 My husband is 6’5. His mother swore to me that he came out normal sized and then grew. At 36 weeks I was measuring at 40 weeks. I texted her and asked exactly how big he was at birth… 8lb 11oz.

Like, I love her, but she definitely lied to me. Just wanted me to have her son’s babies 😂

I’m currently 38+2 and praying she comes soon so she fits out.
@adversa Honestly I can’t imagine having a 8lbs 13oz baby 😂 solely because my girl was a 35 weeker and only 4lbs 11oz

I’m hoping #2 is bigger then her, but I think 7lbs 13oz would be my ideal weight 😂