29 weeks and baby measuring 3 lb 9.5 oz. I'm terrified

@asdf415 I had GD with both my babies and my first was 8.10 and my second was 7.8. Babies slow down growing a lot towards the end. Unless you have sugar issues, I would chalk this up to an inaccurate measurement or just count on your baby being roughly around the same size as your other two. If you suspect sugar issues, make sure you’re eating meals that are as equal value (fat/carbs/protein) as possible.
@asdf415 There is no accurate way to predict the weight or length of a baby after the first trimester. They still do these estimates and tell them to you as if they’re fact, but they are usually incorrect and can be off by as much as 2lb in either direction. I highly recommend looking up the evidence about “big babies” and fetal size estimates in utero. I promise they’ll not only ease your mind but put you on alert for if it seems like your doctor is grooming you for a scheduled c-section due to “big baby” based on their estimates.
And it may also ease your nerves to know that size of baby has absolutely no bearing on whether you tear, how hard or painful a labor is, how tough or easy recovery is, etc.
that’s luckily just not how our bodies work (obviously I’m not referring to actual clinical “big babies” here, but those are quite rare and over 10lb+, but even then tearing or damage is still not guaranteed). Relaxation and following body’s natural urges to push and NOT getting an episiotomy are things that are more likely to determine tearing and recovery. Good luck!💞
@asdf415 I’m in the same boat. She’s 3.5 as of Tuesday. My first kiddo was 10 pounds at 37 weeks; they told me he’d be around 8 pounds. Never been more thankful for c sections 😂
@asdf415 Even if the ultrasounds aren’t accurate, your body was made for this and you can do it. I’m a FTM, very petite, and I had a 9lb 3oz baby vaginally, one 2nd degree tear.
@asdf415 They told me my baby was going to be 9lbs 11 oz at the last measurement appt before I gave birth. I had to sign a paper that I was refusing a c-section based on size. My baby was born 8 lbs 6 oz (my second smallest). The measurements are not always correct.
@asdf415 Weight measurement is inaccurate via ultrasound. There have been many doctors who have said babies are 8lbs and up and the baby was born 7lbs or less. Some doctors will even use these unreliable weights to convince a mom to induce early. Try not to worry about it, if your previous babies were smaller, this one will probably stay in about that range.
@asdf415 I had a 10 pound baby 5 months ago. It was a vaginal birth, induced, 27 hours and we don't have epidural in my town. My vagina didn't hurt, I had episiotomy because head was too big to go through but I didn't feel it. Anyway I wanted to say that I was fine, it didn't give me trauma and my vagina recovered in a month. Also I was terrified too and didn't believe that I was strong enough for this, but I was and you are too.
@asdf415 I have heard that Walmart will take any closed diaper boxes for return even without a receipt and you can get store credit for exchange in sizes. As for clothes, if your babe is bigger than expected you'll have plenty of time to order some new clothes online if you don't have a baby store near you while still in the hospital, where they are usually just swaddled in blankets for the 2 days.

Wishing you the best!
@asdf415 Measurements are super inaccurate.

Also I will say my baby was too big for me to have vaginally. (I’m really petite). He was measuring at 7lbs at my last ultrasound. He ended up being 8 lbs 2 oz. It can be off in both directions. The doctors will let you know the safest way to have your baby. For both my son and me it was safer for both of us to have him via c section. His poor little head was swelling and I wouldn’t dilate past 3cm. The doctor was also afraid I would hemorrhage. As I was already bleeding badly from unsuccessful foley bulb.

Just try hard to relax best you can. Things will be fine either way! :)