@asdf415 There is no accurate way to predict the weight or length of a baby after the first trimester. They still do these estimates and tell them to you as if they’re fact, but they are usually incorrect and can be off by as much as 2lb in
either direction. I highly recommend looking up the evidence about “big babies” and fetal size estimates in utero. I promise they’ll not only ease your mind but put you on alert for if it seems like your doctor is grooming you for a scheduled c-section due to “big baby” based on their estimates.
And it may also ease your nerves to know that size of baby has absolutely no bearing on whether you tear, how hard or painful a labor is, how tough or easy recovery is, etc.
that’s luckily just not how our bodies work (obviously I’m not referring to actual clinical “big babies” here, but those are quite rare and over 10lb+, but even then tearing or damage is still not guaranteed). Relaxation and following body’s natural urges to push and NOT getting an episiotomy are things that are more likely to determine tearing and recovery. Good luck!