“GeT rEaDy!”

@richardnm I haven't had too many comments like that that I've genuinely minded, but I have gotten a bit over the whole "oh you should change my kids nappies while we're here bc you need to get the practice in, ha ha" kind of comments whenever we're with his family. Yeah, I think we're fine, and I'm sure we'll get the hang of it pretty quickly considering everything I see online says newborns poop/need to be changed a lot, so we'll get plenty of "practice" on our own baby within like the first week, thanks 😅
@richardnm My husband is dealing with this a lot at work, he’s in a male dominated office with older ‘blokes’ who are all doom and gloom about marriage and kids being the end of your life. He tries not to listen to them too much and mainly to about it with the one guy who seems to actually enjoy his life/family. It’s so frustrating for him, and there have a few times when he’s come home freaking out that everything is changing for the worse, but eventually calms down and sees reason.
@richardnm Arg that sucks! I guess most people mean it as a light hearted joke but its not. Tell him to stop it or just jokingly reply “your kid sounds like a monster”… I bet he realises how he is portraying his kid and stops.
@richardnm Huh, weird. My daughter experimented with the toilet paper too, when she was 13 months or so. I taught her what it was used for and she started giving me pieces to use when I go to the toilet :D

I currently have a 25 months and a 2 months old and I seriously love it! Both stages are awesome and it's so incredibly to see what they learn every day. My toddler is so independent and can already do and understand so many things, it's heartwarming to see. Today she went to the potty, pulled down her pants and peed. All by herself and without prompting, just by her own initiative. Yes!
My baby slowly starts being more awake and moving a lot. His first real smiles are appearing!

It's awesome and I couldn't imagine sharing only the bad moments with others. Sharing the good stuff is much more amazing. (But mentioning the bad phases is important too, so they don't get a distorted image of parenthood or feel like they're doing something wrong if it's not only all great)
@richardnm Step sister and her husband had their first baby a couple months ago. I'm FTM due 11-10 and EVERYTIME I see them they ask how I'm doing, I'll respond with my current array of symptoms, to which they respond "It gets worse". Ya don't say? Even more annoying when the husband says it....
@richardnm YES AND I CANNOT STAND IT. We are having a boy and I feel like anyone I know who has a little boy who acts up has told me this is what I am in for. OR perhaps some boys are not little terrors... SO FRUSTRATING
@richardnm I’m not getting that, but apparently everyone keeps telling my 11yr old that once the baby gets here no one is going to pay attention to him anymore & it will all be about the baby?!? I’m furious.
@richardnm Urgh yes! Hubby’s cousin has 2. Thing is there are usually 4/5 of them taking care of the kids (herself, her husband, her parents and her grandmother).

When we told them we were pregnant via FaceTime they were like ‘oooh look what you’re in for’ and showed us a very happy newborn baby being fed by great grandma, and a very happy 1.5 year old being fed by mum.

Like what was I supposed to be overwhelmed or something? About a supportive family feeding happy children? 😂

Obviously parenting is super hard and is an exhausting 24/7 job but I’m used to wrangling 30+ children in a school classroom or (during the hols) feeding a large group 0-12 year olds.

I thrive on chaos! If you’re going to ‘just wait’ me - at least show me your child launching food all over the wall whilst the baby screams bloody murder and won’t take a bottle whilst the dog won’t stop barking because there’s someone at the door…. 😂
@richardnm I don’t have any friends having kids rn. The ones who do have children had them somewhat young so their kids are older and my other friends are child free atm. My child free friends keep sending me “child free” memes about how wonderful it is not to have kids and how terrible the experience having kids seems to be. I try not to let it get under my skin bc I know they just don’t know how to react to me making this transition. But it fucking sucks when people aren’t supportive or are just a bit rude when this is the happiest time of my life.
@richardnm Oh you think you have it now will all your pregnancy symptoms, just wait until you never sleep from new born crying!

Oh you think not sleeping cuz of a new born is bad, wait until they're a toddler and you'll never sit again.

Oh you think the toddler stage is bad, wait until you have a school age child with a million activities after school.

Then the kids grow up. Aww I miss the (blank) stage.
@richardnm Everyone’s been warning me about the lack of sleep. We barely sleep enough, but I am taking that bit of advice.

I agree with you, though. On my side, my family believe in time-out and enforcing rules. My BIL has been warning us about all the bad things we can expect, but his wife is against any form of punishment and their kids are disastrous. Like show up your home and wreck everything (break lamps, sharpie your floor, at age 7).
@richardnm I mean. Its true. You literally have no idea what it'll be like until you have them and yes your kid will do annoying stuff too lol. I think when people say stuff like that they're trying to prepare you but really there's absolutely no way to know...until you know, ya know?!?!
@richardnm I don’t have kids yet, but once was one! I’ve been told I was a dream kiddo - I put myself down for naps, rarely cried, ate everything I was fed, and once slept thru my uncles hammering on a door frame…for the door to my room! Not all kids are monsters, some kids are really good and sweet, at least most of the time.

Sounds like your brother needs a parenting support group to vent to, because you’ve got enough on your plate prepping for a new baby.
@jjbwebwiz I’m sure you had some annoying habits like every other child, someone is just remembering the good things because it’s been so long. Every kid has a meltdown eventually, classifying them as “monsters” or “sweet” with no in between shows you have no concept of children
@darrelv My undergrad credits in early childhood education, plus 20 years of teaching, coaching, and nannying kids from 3mos to 18 years old tells me I have a pretty solid concept of children.

I would never classify children (or anyone) as either/or anything. I certainly did not intend my comment to be interpreted that way. Everyone is multifaceted! No need to jump to incorrect conclusions!