“GeT rEaDy!”

@richardnm My little brother does this. He’s early 20’s abs his girlfriend is barley 19. They have two kids. Love them dearly but they both need to grow up and the kids don’t have the best role models. He sent my husband a picture of one of them with a blown out in his car seat and was like oh this will be you! Anytime we see him he tries to make us change his kids diapers too, yeah no I’m good thanks.
@dj_901 Yeah, I’m not one to judge parenting but they are going to have problems if they don’t change some stuff up.

They also drive 4-6 hours to come see family, only stopping for gas, so obviously you’re going to have a blow out or two 🤷🏼‍♀️
@richardnm I have a 2 year old and she pulls all the toilet paper off the roll 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ She’s getting better at not doing it, But she’s also helps me clean up and put stuff in the trash because I can’t bend over. There’s pro’s and con’s to toddler but overall it’s a GREAT TIME 🤗
@aleja629 This! My daughter is 2 1/2. She is very sweet, but it can be hard. Today she poured milk on her foot, but also helped me do laundry and picks stuff off the floor for me 🤣 I’m 39+6 so it is nice she helps me with this! Even though it can be hard at times, I love her so much 🥰🥰
@john1225 I swear toddlers are the best, One thing I can go without hearing is “What’s that” 😅🤦🏻‍♀️ When she knows the answer.
I’m 39+3 I get induced on Tuesday if I don’t go into labor before. I’m so sad I’ll be away from my daughter, When I go to the hospital. I’ve never had a night away from her.
@aleja629 I totally agree, toddlers are the best! I’m also so sad to be away from my little one! I’ve also not spent a night away from her. I’m hoping to do a VBAC so there is less time in the hospital, but not sure if that will happen 🤪 With Covid, she can’t even visit in the hospital, so it will be very hard!
@richardnm My dad keeps saying things like "better enjoy your rest now" and "i hope you like having time to make dinner now" & generally just being annoying.

The worst part is ive been a nanny/caregiver for the past 6 years...so obviously im already used to it.

Yes the nights will be hard, but does he not realize i am the same woman who worked 2 jobs in college while attending full time and slept 2 hours a night?

Ill be fine..
@by_christ This. If you’ve already had a ton of responsibilities and little sleep you’ll be fine. It’s the people who’ve only been responsible for a small sliver of a job or school who will struggle.
@richardnm Omg THIS! Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about and it drives me crazy! And in my life the people who are doing it are tbh not the best/most attentive parents smh. Yes, kids do odd/crazy/aggravating things, but I feel it's your reaction to it that shapes how you view it.
@richardnm Especially when they're like "GeT rEaDy!" And they have a toddler or a 5 year old. Yo, I'm not giving birth to a toddler so I'm really not worried yet about my life 3 years from now, thanks?
@alex1826 I truly don't mind, but my cat and toddler had the audacity to destroy TP together during the covid pandemic in 2020. My cat had a serious time out for that one.
@richardnm I’m a hairstylist and my clients say stuff like that to me all the time. ‘Oh your life will never be the same’ ‘it’s not all fun and games like you think’ well! I never said I thought that! It annoys the heck out of me