
  1. A

    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    Curious to know how everyone goes with night sleep? We’ve been lucky to have about 1 week of consistent nights where it’s 1 wake up for a feed. Otherwise so erratic, he’ll wake up at 9 or 10pm screaming every second night. He’s not in pain or teething. Have paid for a sleep consultant, made sure...
  2. M

    Clingy 1 y.o, baby carriers causing hip problems(?), should I try a hiking pack instead?

    I read somewhere that those carriers for babies and small children can cause hip problems, so I never really used them, I just used the fabric wraps. Well, I got rid of the fabric wrap because the wrap was longer than my whole body and it felt clumsy to use plus my l.o hated it and it made us...
  3. R

    Grandparents babysitting for$

    My MIL recently suggested that we can pay her to watch the kids I didn't mind initially she asked for $10/hr for my 3 kids. She only babysits occasionally maybe once every 8 weeks or so... what do u guys think about paying grandparents?? I think its odd paying a grandparent unless they are doing...
  4. J

    V Tech Monitor W Slumberpod?

    Just got a slumber pod and my v tech VM3252 keeps flickering in and out of night vision mode when I put it in the monitor pouch. I tried covering up the light sensor to keep it permanently on night vision but it didn’t work. Anyone have any creative solutions?
  5. B

    Almost lost it w my younger kid

    This has been a week full of stuff. Idk why but I felt compelled to ask the little one (3, going on 4 soon) if he thought I was mean to his mom. He responded pretty quickly with, “no, mom so mean to you.” That got me thinking that this little boy understands helluva lot more than I credited him...
  6. M

    Moms of daughters, let’s talk about the talk

    I have two girls, 5 and 8 years old. I communicate very openly with my girls in an age appropriate way. They know the basics about menstruation because they ask questions about the supplies they see in my bathroom and in the trash. We’ve talked about how, in order to have babies, a mom needs a...
  7. E

    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    We have a 3.5 year old. Husband and I are vaccinated and boosted - although I got the J&J which I just read is really ineffective against Omicron. We've been pretty damn cautious since March 2020. Kiddo just started preschool in September, and we just started letting her go to dance classes once...
  8. J


    My 4.5 year old is an amazing kid, but is having some behavior issues. He is autistic; I'm looking for answers both about autistic kids and neurotypical kids. He will lie on the floor, refuse to walk, and have to be carried. He will ignore safety instructions that he knows how to follow. He...
  9. A

    Does my baby actually know I’m mom?

    Everyone says baby always knows who’s mom, who takes care of them most, etc. I had a relatively short maternity leave (7 weeks) and baby is being watched by a family member during the day. I work until 5 and only get a few hours of quality time a night with her, aside from night feeds and...
  10. A

    How do I break feeding to sleep association?

    My baby has been feeding to sleep since birth. She’s 4.5 months now. She was sleeping through the night until 3.5 months and since feeding to sleep was working so well we didn’t make any effort to change it. I’m worried we’ll never get out of the 4 month sleep regression if I don’t do...
  11. D

    Greek yogurt vs homo milk

    Can 2% M.F. Greek yogurt replace a toddler’s need for homo milk? Edit: M.F. = milk fat Homo milk = whole milk = 3.25% milk I’m still BF a little bit and my doctor said not to worry about homo milk until I stop BF. But my 14 month old is eating SO much plain Greek yogurt everyday, I’m...
  12. O

    11 m/o getting ear tubes Friday

    Hello. As the title says, Friday my 11 month old baby is getting tubes in his ears. Since I'm anxious, (I know it's very fast and he'll be fine, but you know.. parent anxiety lol) I've been reading everything I can. I've been on many older reddit posts and other message boards (as well as a...
  13. B

    H E L P ! New mom - bottle feeding with Dr. Brown bottles using Enfamil A.R

    Hi All, I’m a new mom and I’m stressed looking for any advice or tips. My son is 6 weeks old and he is currently bottle feeding on Enfamil A.R. Due to acid reflux. He is taking 4 oz at once now - but I’ve noticed an increase in spitting up all the sudden again. Also, the formula is supposed...
  14. R

    Making sense of science in the messy world of every day parenting

    @011235813 just wrote this (my emphasis): I'm coming at this from the other end, in that I am a scientist, I understand stats and it's difficult for me to write about research in a way is accessible to a non-technical audience. I would really, deeply, honestly, appreciate any thoughts on how...
  15. F

    Suggestions to reduce crying before sleep?

    Hi everyone. I’m FTM and need some advice to reduce crying for my 3.5 months old before sleep. Here is what I’ve been doing and I’m unsure if I’m doing it right. At every day nap, she’d be crying a little like she’s fighting it, and then she’ll be quick asleep, like under 2mins crying. However...
  16. M

    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    My husband and I will be first time parents to a baby boy coming soon! This is my second pregnancy but first pregnancy without complications so we’re incredibly excited!! (23wks) We have a name set in stone, we knew the moment we found out we were having a baby boy. We are naming him after an...
  17. F

    1 year old up for 2 hours almost every night, tell me it gets better

    My almost 1 year old son was a unicorn baby until 4 months old. He fell asleep anywhere, even on his own, and never had any long night wake ups, just woke up to nurse. When he turned 4 months old things changed and all of a sudden he had these 1 hour night wake ups. I thought this is just a...
  18. K

    Feeling alone in not sleep training

    I’m in the UK so don’t know if it’s particularly bad here but I find it so uncomfortable and isolating how widespread and normalised sleep training/CIO is. I’m the only mum I know that isn’t doing it, and I find it amazing how much mums at baby groups will talk about their sleep training as if...
  19. L

    Giving Away Baby Formula to Parents in the US

    Hello everyone! I recently traveled back from a trip to Korea and couldn't stop thinking of the baby formula crisis. What an insane thing it is that a country is failing to provide for its BABIES! So when I had the extra room in my luggage I picked up some baby formulas in hopes I could share...
  20. J

    Anyone have experiences with eating disorders in little boys?

    I don’t think my nephew 100 per cent qualifies, but he just said “I don’t like fat... l and went went on to say something about how he doesn’t want to be fat, or that’s how I interpreted it, he doesn’t want to eat fat etc. This kid has nearly 0 body fat. He is a picky eater. When he gets up in...