
  1. R

    What are you getting your kids for Christmas?

    What are you getting your kids for Christmas? My third is due right around Christmas so I’m trying to get everything ready super early! I have a 5 year old, a 2.5 year old, and possibly a baby by Christmas or maybe right after 😅 On my list for them so far is beautifully illustrated, gentle...
  2. A

    Breastfeeding makes some women sad. We need to talk about it
  3. A

    Everyone blames my daughter’s behavior on extended breastfeeding and I’m f*ing sick of it

    Just for some background info: I have a not quite 2yo daughter as well as 2 teenagers who are actually my stepchildren. I work a part-time job where I sometimes don’t get home until very late and my husband is a SAHP. Right now my husband is also paying 99% of our bills (he’s got disability...
  4. D

    My husband called me a f*cking b*tch in front of our 2 year old and won’t apologize

    So yeah. Basically as the title states, I don’t know how to move in from this. He’s been sick all weekend, gets VERY defensive when I ask what he feels he will be capable of doing with our kid. I did all of the parenting, cleaning etc while he slept all weekend, I asked him to watch our kid on...
  5. P

    Glass bottles keep cracking

    Update: thanks everyone for the all the advice! I did not expect this many responses. I got some really helpful info and no matter what bottles we use I’ll be careful about warming them more slowly. I’ve been warming the bottles today and haven’t had any crack, so I’m thinking it might be a...
  6. S

    Estranged sister passed away. I was contacted about her 4 y/o daughter & 1 y/o son

    They called me a few hours ago. She’s three years younger than me. She was always the wild one when we were growing up.. (there’s six of us, I’m 2sd oldest, she’s third. It’s complicated but we’re all varying degrees of half/full siblings). Apparently she OD’d. Apparently her kids were left at...
  7. C

    Waking up 3 times a night and nursing is easier than having to wake up at 6:30 and drive to a job

    I'm married to such a POS. I don't think I can do this anymore. Told him he's a 50/50 partner once he walks though the door. He said his day gets started before ours, 6.30, and he has to be out the door at 7. We have two daughters, a 6 month old and almost 5 year old. I told him I'm up at 6:30...
  8. J

    I've started mouthing off at my MIL the same way she does at me and I feel so a l i v e

    "this kitchen is a mess, it's pathetic" "Well, I mean, I can't do everything Karen" "I hate the shows y'all watch, they're so stupid" "Yeah your shows are pretty stupid too, I won't watch them" "You need to stop being so hard on C (her grandson)" "Well I have to be, his Nana lets him get...
  9. U

    Can we talk about water beads?

    This is a rant for what my sister went through last night. My niece G (23 months) was playing with a ball full of water beads and it popped, my other niece L (4) ran to her mom and and told her “G popped the ball and is eating the beads!” My sister freaked out (rightfully so) and they took G...
  10. D

    I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

    Update- Nov 8- I spoke with an officer about the child abuse. After taking down details they asked me to go to the POC (police operations center) to meet with a detective from special crimes. I did that tonight though there must have been a miscommunication since the detective was not there when...
  11. R

    Just found out husband of nearly 7 years has had an affair - we have a 3.5y/o and a 17m/o

    Hi Moms. I’ve just found out my husband of nearly 7 years has had an affair last a few months. I’m horrifically minimising it here for the sake of my sanity, but I’m wondering there is some stories out there of other moms who have been cheated on who have kept the family together? Or, the flip...
  12. I

    Feeling mom guilt over 3 year old attending Pre K due to speech delay

    So I’m a SAHM to a sweet 3 year old boy and a 9 month old boy as well. This morning I took my older son down to the school district to have him evaluated for our state’s free ESE Pre K program (son has already completed a year of Early intervention) And I just can’t shake this feeling of...
  13. B

    Happy f’ing Mother’s Day

    This is gonna be a long one, so apologies in advance. I have no one else to talk to. I have strep throat, was at the ER last night for it and feel like I’m dying. I haven’t been able to eat anything solid in over 2 days now. Never mind that I was also at the ER twice with my daughter on Monday...
  14. Z

    Got my gift exchange!

    I didn't see a mega gift exchange thread yet but I wanted to thank /@stancet for my gift.. I got a icing comb set which I'm looking forward to using when I make the birthday cake for my youngest. I also got a Q-snap frame for cross stitching that I've already got my latest work in progress...
  15. C

    Baby flipped to transverse at 39 weeks and now OB wants to schedule c-section without trying ECV

    I went in for a BPP scan yesterday at 39 weeks and realized during the ultrasound that he’s turned from head-down to transverse. I’ve been prepping and planning my whole pregnancy for a natural, unmedicated birth, but now it seems like all of my plans may be going out the window. My OB seemed so...
  16. K

    Any fellow D-MER (dysphoric milk ejection reflex) sufferers?

    I have a six week old baby and have been experiencing dysphoric milk ejection reflex, basically feeling feelings of dread, depression, self-loathing while breastfeeding. It only lasts a few minutes, but it's not fun, especially when you have a newborn who is nursing throughout the day. Does...
  17. P

    My (4.5 yrs M) said his (F) friend touched his private parts at preschool

    My 4.5 yrs old son started going full time to a preschool since about 3 months ago. He was playing with my husband over the weekend and tried to tickle him in his private area and my husband told him "no, nobody tickles you there" "we do not do that" "it is not ok" "nobody should be touching...
  18. S

    Another mom told me I have a fat a** today

    This is crazy and I can’t believe it actually happened! I was at the children’s museum today with my almost 2 year old and my 2 month old. Just getting out of the house is a huge endeavor these days with 2 under 2 but my daughter loves the museum sooooo much so we try to go often. My daughter...
  19. W

    Announcing BreakingMom's "Go Vote November" Initiative

    It's like No Nut November, except more positive, and not focused on guys' obsession with their dicks. We have had an explosion in subscribers over the last several months, and with that has come an explosion in... other things. There's also kind of an important election happening stateside in...
  20. M

    My 1 y/o is in the hospital with meningitis

    UPDATE They have been treating him for meningitis since he came in because they didnt want to risk anything and it seemed like a viral infection. However they found meningococcal bacteria in his blood sample today and tomorrow we will know if the bacteria did in fact enter his spinal cord and or...