
  1. I

    MIL wants Medical Authorization Form for 13 m.o

    My MIL typically watches my 13 mo three days a week, for about six hours each day while my husband and I are both working. She approached my husband and asked for my daughter's pediatrician info and a medical authorization form. (Apparently not the first time she's asked him but certainly the...
  2. Y

    Helping toddlers with fear of bees/bugs in a productive way?

    Hey, not sure if this is the right community. My 3.5-year-old LOVES to play outside and has recently developed a fear of bees and other flying insects. I accept her fear and it's okay, but I don't want it to interfere with her being able to play outside happily. I've told her that outside is...
  3. P

    Tired of disposable overnight diapers for my (daytime) potty trained 2.5 y old. Thinking of switching to cloth diapers and need advice

    Heyo! I’m happy to report that we’ve successfully potty trained during COVID but are still using pull ups at night and naps and the occasional car ride. I’m getting down to my last few diapers and don’t want to buy more! I’m tired of throwing them into the trash and causing so much waste. I’m...
  4. S

    7 y/o fever keeps coming back... what to do?

    Timeline Tues - comes home from school w a fever. Treat around 101.7 Weds - same; treat high fever. Responds to tylenol. Doctor tests for covid strep flu, all neg. I make him yake at home uti test - neg. Thurs - fever when not medicating. Went to urgent care. Double ear infection. Start...
  5. D


    Hello I mostly just need someone to tell me it's gonna be ok... was w my 6 month old in the woods harvesting elderberry today and we came home and were both covered in ticks, tiny tiny ticks, I got them all off her and did a once over w lint roller too, think I got myself also, a little stressed...
  6. M

    Need a book recommendation! I have a picky, s l o w eater..

    Do any of you momma’s have a book recommendation (or any tips for me, really...) on how to help my picky, slow eater? My son is 3.5 and has never been food-motivated, getting him to eat things he doesn’t want has always been a challenge. The biggest problem, though, isn’t WHAT he eats/doesn’t...
  7. T

    I was supposed to be at Club Q last night and cancelled at the last minute

    My best friend is going through a breakup and I have been suggesting that this weekend we go out. We were going to go to Club Q because we’re both bi and I was going to wingwoman her. Also, Club Q is massively popular and everybody loves it. We talked all week about going on Saturday night and...
  8. T

    L M A O

    It’s so fucking cliché. He cheated on me when he was deployed during Covid. I found out two years later when we were GOLDEN, when I was a couple months pregnant, right after I wondered what was going to break because everything was so fucking good. We were so good. I was a few months pregnant...
  9. R

    I get so annoyed of hearing “wElL I dOnT kNoW hOw To HeLp UnLesS yOu aSk”…

    •wash the dishes •give the little a bath •clean the cars, possible even gas it •cook dinner •bring some flowers •book a massage for me •help organize •take the kiddo out so I can nap •dust •anything •put your phone down and be of assistance. So many things. So so many things. Can you...
  10. D

    Clean Makeup Recs?

    Hi! FTM to an awesome chunky 6 week old boy and now that I’m feeling more myself and 80% recovered from my C Section I’m trying to not look so haggard and would like to put some semblance of a face on when I leave the house. Most of the stuff I use I’m reading is toxic or not great on EWG and...
  11. B

    The new Titanium Always Pan Pro. Do we think it’s truly coating-free and safe?

    I’ve been looking to swap out my cookware with a greener option. Stainless steel seems a bit intimidating and I have an electric stovetop so cast iron may scratch it. I just saw the new Titanium Always Pan Pro was launched and wondered if anyone has purchased it or done any digging on the claims...
  12. S

    "jUsT sLeEp WhEn ThE bAbY sLeEpS"

    I'm so tired of that fucking garbage. I've got animals to feed, plants to weed, a homestead that needs tending to, laundry and dishes and floors and firewood and bills and mail and projects to do. Sleep when the baby sleeps, what a load of bollocks. The adorable little fucker only sleeps when...
  13. G

    Floor bed for 4 month old: twin mattress?

    Hi all, I'm a FTM of a 3.5 month old who is rapidly out growing her bassinet. DH and I want to forgo the crib and try a Montessori floor bed for her, and like the idea of getting a twin. This would give us the option to cosleep/nurse to sleep as needed, but the hope is LO will mostly be sleeping...
  14. C

    About to miscarry at 7 wks gestational age at home alone with a 2.5 yr old

    8.5 weeks pregnant. Went for my first U/S, no heart beat and measuring at 7 weeks. My husband travels for work and will only be home for 3 days in the next week and a half which means during the time he’s gone 1-no showers 2-minimal time to sit on the toilet 3-no time to sit on the toilet alone...
  15. T

    I’m the MoH in a wedding where the flower girl has HFM

    Pretty much as the title says I’m the MoH at a wedding which I will be at with my 2 and a half year old and I don’t know what to do The bride told me the flower girl has HFM since last Sunday (disease I’ve been avoiding like the plague) and the wedding is at a resort (which is already paid...
  16. R

    What are you getting your kids for Christmas?

    What are you getting your kids for Christmas? My third is due right around Christmas so I’m trying to get everything ready super early! I have a 5 year old, a 2.5 year old, and possibly a baby by Christmas or maybe right after 😅 On my list for them so far is beautifully illustrated, gentle...
  17. A

    Breastfeeding makes some women sad. We need to talk about it
  18. A

    Everyone blames my daughter’s behavior on extended breastfeeding and I’m f*ing sick of it

    Just for some background info: I have a not quite 2yo daughter as well as 2 teenagers who are actually my stepchildren. I work a part-time job where I sometimes don’t get home until very late and my husband is a SAHP. Right now my husband is also paying 99% of our bills (he’s got disability...
  19. D

    My husband called me a f*cking b*tch in front of our 2 year old and won’t apologize

    So yeah. Basically as the title states, I don’t know how to move in from this. He’s been sick all weekend, gets VERY defensive when I ask what he feels he will be capable of doing with our kid. I did all of the parenting, cleaning etc while he slept all weekend, I asked him to watch our kid on...
  20. P

    Glass bottles keep cracking

    Update: thanks everyone for the all the advice! I did not expect this many responses. I got some really helpful info and no matter what bottles we use I’ll be careful about warming them more slowly. I’ve been warming the bottles today and haven’t had any crack, so I’m thinking it might be a...