
  1. K

    10 Free Holiday Cards & Invitations, Including Fee Shipping 11/8 @ Cardstore

    CLICK HERE And use code: CCN2433 The code "CCN2433" will be valid for 10 FREE HOLIDAY CARDS & INVITATIONS, including FREE Shipping The Free Card event starts tomorrow and is one-day only Thursday, 11/8 at 8:00am EST and will run through 11:59pm PST! edit: Free shipping edit 2: you can...
  2. M

    TV at daycare, feeling conflicted

    I was pretty sure the in-home daycare I take my 11 month old to played the tv for the kids sometimes, but I was kind of in denial about it. Then the daycare helper jokingly showed us a video of my son sitting back and watching some Thai tv (my daycare lady is Thai). I was bummed. We don't play...
  3. B

    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    As I said previously, I gave up alchohol coffee and inlaws for new years, still going strong! Yes, I am inflatable pool lady. (LPT: Never give your MIL an inflatable pool) My husband does lip service to supporting my decision, and then he tracks mud all over my nice clean floors. Yesterday...
  4. A

    Favorite shows?

    I’m about to pop out my third kid any day now and my other two are 2 (m) and 1 (f). I don’t love showing them tons of screen time but I know the coming month they will probably watch more than normal while I’m recovering and figuring out life with 3 under 3. I try to keep it educational and slow...
  5. B

    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    TL;DR: How do you balance making a registry and letting people buy you nice things, with trying to be environmentally/economically sustainable in preparing for baby? Hi y’all - I’m expecting my first baby in February and just started making a registry. Until this week, I only had a diaper fund...
  6. C

    Anyone else feel like they’re walking on eggshells around their toddler?

    I don’t know how or when things have gotten so bad. My daughter is now 21 months old and I’ve started to realise that although toddlers are intense, mine might take the cake. Every part of our daily routine involves some sort of resistance. If I want to avoid any sort of tantrum I have to...
  7. M

    Thoughts on cod liver oil supplement for baby?

    I’m interested in giving my 6 month old cod liver oil. I’ve read that it’s very nutritious and has benefits of providing vitamin A and D. Are there any moms out there with opinions on this or people who have used it?
  8. E

    Haakaa breast pump

    I’ve seen a LOT of good things said online about the Haakaa breast pump. It’s a non electric silicone little suction pump, available on Amazon and there’s “off brand” available as well. I want to love it so bad but I just don’t. It sucks half my boob in and leaves the non nipple area SO RED I...
  9. M

    Are you kidding me?

    Quickly an introduction because this is kinda my first post. I'm a single 35 year old mom who lives in Florida w/ my just turned 3 year old (today!) little linebacker. Ex is states away after a drug/responsibility problem but does have occasional contact with my boy and he's building trust up so...
  10. E

    Camping with an infant?

    I posted this a while back on r/camping and got some very negative comments with little useful advice. So I’m trying again here in hopes it’ll be more helpful... With our first kid we didn’t camp until he was two. Now we have a new baby and definitely want to camp with him. He will be 6 months...
  11. J

    He left us

    Edit: I am so overwhelmed by support here, thank you so much. I have read every word and I appreciate this community a lot. He’s facing homelessness. It breaks my heart for him, but I won’t be taking him back. 11 years. 11 years and he left telling me he needed space for a week, but...
  12. C

    Piccalio Kitchen Helper Towers/Alternative Towers Ideas

    Hi Moms! I am considering buying the Piccalio Brand Mini Chef Foldable Helper Tower but I want your thoughts since it is pricey at $229 (at least today 2/2/24). Has anyone ever seen this brand on sale on the website? I like that this specific one by Piccalio folds and that it is made of real...
  13. P

    My little secret ;)

    Wanna hear a confession? My 2 month old always falls asleep on the way home from dropping off sister at school. When I make it back home, I leave him in his carseat, bring him in the house and use that time to drink my coffee and browse reddit. It's not much, but boy does it make me feel like a...
  14. S

    From the Desk of Diet J. Otaku - Thanks Y'all

    i just wanted to take a minute to thank you guys for being so diligent with the reports. awhile back reddit suffered from a rash of porn site spammers who would create brand-new accounts and post in small subs hoping to escape notice long enough to get a click. lots of mod teams started using...
  15. 3

    Freaking out about canning

    I know this sounds crazy, but I've always been a little intimidated by canning, but my garden has just gone nuts this year, and my fridge can't handle any more jars, so I jumped in making 13 pints of pickles, multiple versions of peach butter, and blueberry butter. It was A LOT of work. I was...
  16. M

    partial night weaning 13.5 month old (x-post)

    My daughter is 13.5 months. She was EBF up until about 6 weeks ago when we started introducing cows milk. She is now on almost straight cows milk at daycare and nurses when we are together (morning, evening, weekends). I am in no rush to stop that but need help with nighttime. I nurse her to...
  17. F

    Winter gloves for 3YO’s non-snowy forest school?

    My daughter goes to an outdoors school in a local park. It doesn’t snow where we live but we do get frost and freezing temps. When I dropped her off this morning it was 37 degrees (F) and the only gloves we have are knit that get soaked and cold almost instantly. Any recs for cold weather...
  18. K

    B L U E Y

    Somebody please tell me WHY I’ve cried at Bluey 4 times this morning alone?!? Like god damn this has to be the healthiest family dynamic I’ve ever seen and so much of this pulls so hard at my heart strings. I shamelessly watch Bluey by myself, so there’s that.
  19. K

    Moms, the recent Crawler Bot post is the biggest reason you shouldn't post pictures of your children on this or any other public internet forum

    Today I woke up to this: A post by a user with no other activity in their history advertising the best mommit pictures on some photo sharing site. It's very likely a crawler bot. For those who don't know, a crawler bot "crawls" on an internet forum, automatically downloads pictures there, and...
  20. J

    Solo nap help

    Hi all! I’m hoping you may have some gentle approaches to my nap issue. I’m not interested in nap training/CIO solutions if I can avoid it. So my 15 m/o will only nap on me. I rock her to sleep and when she fails asleep I attempt to transfer her. I used to be able to transfer but haven’t been...