
  1. S

    informal brmo poll/pop quiz

    bathroom counter space is for: a. workspace b. storing frequently used items (e.g. toothpaste, hairbrush) c. both CHOOSE WISELY
  2. C

    Favorite Safe Road Trip Toys/Activities for Toddlers!

    What are your favorite SAFE road trip toys for toddlers? Idk if I’m going crazy, but so many online idea lists don’t exactly seem to have safety in mind. Most of the recommended items have small pieces/marketed for age 3+ (isn’t that preschool and not toddler?) or are from questionable...
  3. K

    Easter Basket Ideas

    Looking for recommendations on treats to put in Easter baskets as well as toys that your kids love right now. Mine are almost 3 (f) nd 8 months old (m). And what do you put in the plastic eggs? I had the hardest time last year finding things that would fit unless it was some sort of food item...
  4. T

    Reducing pumping but also still nursing on-demand? / Switch to floor bed?

    My baby recently turned 1 and is doing well on solids. M-F she takes maybe 8-16oz of pumped milk. I still nurse her in the morning, usually when I get back from work, then at bedtime, plus a few times overnight (bedsharing). I’m looking to reduce pumping because it’s taking such a toll on me...
  5. E

    I wOn'T dO tHaT wHeN I HaVe KiDs

    Yes. Yes I DO that. I will lay down with my toddlers for an hour to make sure they go to sleep because I can't stand hearing my babies ask for mama because they want me to lay with them. Yes. Yes I DO make different dinners sometimes because I'm not wanting to deal with a meltdown. Yes. Yes I DO...
  6. V

    A man told me having a c-section was the easy way of giving birth

    Went to the doctor today and the medical assistant was doing a history, and he asked about prior surgeries. I reported 2 c-sections, at which point he said "much easier than giving birth, huh?"? At first I didn't even register what he said, I thought I misunderstood so I said what's easier? And...
  7. M

    F**k canine teeth!

    Last time my almost 17 month old was teething, she was getting 7 teeth all at once—2 lower incisors, one upper incisor, and all four first molars. I thought the misery couldn’t possibly get worse than that. Now she is getting ONE canine tooth and we are all a thousand times more miserable than...
  8. P

    My kids all have fevers and here’s what I’m fantasizing about today…

    Picture it: the year is 2052. My child is 34 years old. Twitter has been rebranded “MuskRat”. I’m relaxing in my La-Z-Non-binary, reading the latest squeaks, when his wife sends me a MetaVerse Virtual Reality thought message. She’s complaining that he’s got a minor cold but he’s being a whiny...
  9. M

    9 mo with Covid part 2

    So going back to the ER. She is barely eating. Lips swollen. Face rash. She can barely cry and stay awake. I had to take a moment in the bathroom to cry before leaving. This is taking such a toll on me mentally. My husband is also going to the ER for treatment. I am not in a good mental...
  10. C

    FTM — All my baby hand-me-downs clothes reek of toxic detergent and I can’t wash the smell out

    Moderately granola moms, helpppppp! I received a bag of clothes from a friend of a friend that reeked of some awful toxic detergent. I didnt think much of it as I figured washing it would get it out, but I think there is serious buildup from repeated washing. I mixed those clothes in with...
  11. D

    “It’s like you don’t want to cook anymore” MAYBE I DON’T!

    I just have to get this off my chest and maybe we can collectively (and ironically) laugh at what my husband said to me earlier. Background: I’ve been so burnt out the past few days. I can’t really put my finger on specifically why now more than usual. I don’t get breaks, I don’t get help, my...
  12. L

    My sack of shit cheating husband

    I’m just ranting. My husband works out of town most of the time. I also work full time, I commute for work. until recently I was in school full time (I just received my bachelors), I’m home alone with our almost 3 year old, and we have 6 pets which only ONE is mine. He inherited a house earlier...
  13. F

    Toys with staying power

    My kids are now 10 and 7. I thought I'd make a short list of toys they still play with almost every week, along with (approximately) when we received them. Feel free to add your own! Age 2 (and 0): Silk play scarves. Yes, they still get these out almost every day. Age 4 (and 1): Micro...
  14. R

    (Update) DHS Left A Card on My Door? (X-post from /r/Parenting

    Long story short, someone in my tiny (12 townhouses in the whole place) apartment complex called DHS on me. They said that when I get home with my daughter, I make her stay in her room since she's not playing outside (because it's dark and already cold by then,) and since I take my dogs out...
  15. R

    Husband is furious with me

    I’m on my period. I’m in severe pain. I stayed up all night breastfeeding my 15 month old who has a fever and is teething. He was in complete distress and wouldn’t sleep, whilst my husband was fast asleep the whole night, didn’t flinch at all. So today, my husband slept in until 9.30am...
  16. A

    Help me wean my baby and release guilt

    Moderately granola mom here who needs some help! I feel like I went down the very granola birth route and my journey did not go to plan - my midwives let me labor at home for 5 days with a posterior baby (they couldn't figure out that he was posterior?) truly the worst pain of my life but...
  17. M

    How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

    No shade to working Moms. My husband and I decided it would be best for us for me to quit my job to take care of LO and when I mention that to people, that’s what they say. Like, for one thing, my job was already WFH before but more importantly, they seem to think that wouldn’t also require...
  18. E


    Opinions on amoxicillian for a 7 month old. My 2 older daughters have strep and double ear infections. They are 8 and 7. However I took my 7 month old to the same nurse practioner because he has had a hoarse cough and pulling at his ear. she said that his throat looked fine but one ear was a...
  19. J

    Organic cotton rugs that aren’t plain white?

    I am looking for an organic cotton rug for my son’s playroom and I’ve been looking at the options on Hook & Loom’s website, but I am not thrilled about the idea of buying a white rug that could easily get stained, and I would love some color! I like H&L because they dont spray any fire...
  20. K

    Recommendations for places that sell affordable baby clothes with natural fibers/somewhat sustainable?

    I'm currently pregnant and looking for some clothing to put on my registry because I know people will want to buy clothes regardless. Might as well put some clothing on there I'd actually want my baby in. I plan to get a lot secondhand myself since that is the most sustainable, but I know many...